Quick Tip: In Praise of the Doodlebug

Nobody likes trying to remove dried bug residue. Unless you catch them while still, um, moist, insect remains will dry to have an impressive attachment to your airframe.

A Little Protection

A technique I learned when I bought my most recent car.

Hide the Comm

Someone asked me (after seeing the panel photo of our nascent Rocket front office) why there are circuit breakers underneath the IFR Nav/Transponder on...

Panel Tricks… and Cheats

Even if you’re only off a small fraction of an inch, the eye sees that the air vent isn’t concentric in the hole.

Will there be smoke? One builder’s RV-10 comes to life!

KITPLANES longtime contributor Larry Anglisano gets to witness the first power up of Mark Welch's partially completed Van's RV-10. A full Garmin G3X Touch...

Shop-Made “Factory Heads”

Sometimes it's form over function.

Improve It

Homebuilders enjoy improving things. We like our stuff to look better than stock.

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

Cub look-alikes have been popular for years, and CubCrafters Sport Cub S2 SLSA holds its own against the competition. By Dave Martin.

The Creative Homebuilder

Make your own air-flow speed control.

Bose A30

For years, Bose has enjoyed a loyal following in the high-end aviation headset market...

A Sign of the Zodiac (Part 7)

It’s about the journey, not the destination, as Rick Lindstrom’s homebuilt Zodiac 601 XL is ferried by friends from Florida to its new home in Cloverdale, California.