Reverse Engineering Heated Seats

How to they make it “high” and “low” with just a single SPDT switch and SPST relay?

Trimming a Tube Square

We’ve been fitting the canopy frame to the F1 Rocket project this week, and one of the tasks (after getting all the hoops properly...

Easy Servo Wiring Trick

If you are wiring up a typical Ray Allen trim servo, you know that the two “power” wires to the motor are both white.

Hand to Hand with a Bending Board

You’d think that with a quick-build fuselage, the factory could have made a frame that matched.

The Trick to Riblets

If you have built (or have attempted to build, or are looking forward to building…) an RV-style metal trim tab, you are probably wondering...

Come Up With An Easier Way

The assembly manual might tell you to do something one way, but sometimes it's possible do do it better.

Whatever it Takes

No matter how many different tools you have, you always need something else.

Strings Attached

There are times in building an airplane when you want to have some strings attached - particularly when it comes to lining things up....

Off-Label Tools

Aluminum broomstick from the 'Big Box' home improvement store to the rescue.

Countersinking Block

Get perfectly countersunk holes in thicker material.

In Case You Missed It

Engine Beat

How are your cylinders doing? A differential compression test can uncover any problems-almost before they start. Steve Ells explores what the results mean, and what to do about them.

Design Process: Strakes and Ventral Fins

On some airplanes, the basic empennage does not provide acceptable flying qualities in all...

What’s New: Dynon’s New Com Radio and Intercom

X-Series Oil Coolers from Airflow Systems, Belite’s new LED Fuel Gauge.

Ask the DAR

Confusion about FAA Form 8130-12, replacing the 2-inch Experimental placard, selling an engine.