Van’s RV-15 Prototype Gets a New Tail

Originally conceived with a stabilator—similar to the RV-12’s—the RV-15 is now sporting what appears to be a modified RV-10 tail.

Zenith Aircraft Homecoming – The Report

The 2024 Zenith Homecoming event was a success by all measures (despite some weather on the second day of the two-day event).

Twelve Volts Anywhere, Anytime

A handy tool to have in the shop, avoiding a bunch of random long wires that always seem to get in the way.

Weighing an RV-10

It’s time to roll the plane up on a set of calibrated scales.

Why Angle of Attack Is a Lifesaver

Paul Dye and Marc Cook talk about the importance of angle of attack instrumentation.

Buy the Thousand-Pack

Cheap and colorful ties: there is a place for them in the building process.

Hard-working Brakes

You wouldn’t think that a little 1,000-lb MGW aircraft would require this much braking.

Zenith Aircraft’s Annual “Homecoming” Open Hangar Days & Fly-In

September 20 & 21, 2024, in Mexico, Missouri

Fly-Ins Made Simple

One of aviation’s great pleasures is to meet up with a bunch of friends at some out-of-the-way airport and just watch airplanes, enjoy the...

Attach Instrument Boxes Without New Holes

Without screws or rivets, you’re looking at adhesive.

In Case You Missed It

Maxing Out the Fun Factor

For those who have experienced it, the fun of going on a flying trip...

Texas Sport Cub

The Texas Sport Cubs combination of classic good looks and todays technology will appeal to those who are looking to rekindle an old flame or those hoping to initiate a new love affair.

Light Stuff

Heres one instance where the sound of silence (as in no engine noise) wont signal the need to start scoping out a place to set down. The Urban Air motorglider offers a compromise that makes the best of both worlds: fuel-efficient powered cruising and exciting powered-off soaring.

Rendesvouz with Destiny

Dick Starks and The Dawn Patrol attend the biennial Rendezvous on hallowed ground: the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.