Las Cruces Sport Qualifying
Expected top-qualifier Andrew Findlay ran into injector issues thanks to minor debris floating around the fuel system.
Sport Air Racing Livestream
A livestream feed from the Sport Class races so we can all follow the action as it happens.
New Edition of the EAA Flight Test Manual Published
Updated quick-glance test cards for in-flight reference also included.
Mojave Experimental Fly-In This Saturday
Eyeballing airplanes and easy access to their designers/pilots.
National Championship Air Races in Roswell Dates Announced
All seven classes of racing will return in new home of Roswell, N.M. next year
What’s Up In the Experimental Engine Market
Are the high prices here to stay? Are alternative engines finding an avenue to success? Are Jet A-burning engines like the DeltaHawk an important part of our future?
Flying With Dynon’s New Emergency Glide Feature
Wouldn't it be nice to have the EFIS and autopilot take over while you diagnose an engine problem? Like having a copilot you don't have to feed.
Lycoming Thunderbolt Engines Update
What's on the horizon for Lycoming and Thunderbolt? Watch to find out.
FAR Revisions to Fix the “LODA Problem”
For owners of Experimental/Amateur-Built aircraft, the best news is the rescinding of the so-called LODA rule.
Real Pylon Racing: Sport Class Unleashed at Las Cruces October 19...
For those missing their annual dose of wing-to-wing pylon air racing last month, the Sport Class has the cure.