Powergenie Starts and Stops Hour Meter Automatically

Highland Industries has introduced Powergenie, a power control unit for Rotax engines (503 through 912) and other two-stroke engines. According to the company, with Powergenie installed, your hour meter will run only when the engine itself is running, eliminating the need to rely on the master or engine switch. You can power up the airplanes electrical system on the ground for radio work or general maintenance and testing without clocking aircraft time. In addition, you can…

FAA Posts Sport Pilot Examiner List Online

For those interested in pursuing a Sport Pilot license, more details are being put into place regularly. The FAAs Light-Sport Aviation Branch in Oklahoma City announced that it posted a list of Sport Pilot examiners on its web site at http://afs600.faa.gov/afs610-Examiners.htm. The list of examiners is broken down by category (airplane, weight-shift control, powered parachute, gyroplane, glider) and includes contact information for each person. At the moment, there are only about a dozen certified sport…

So Long, Turbo Tom

We have some tragic news to report-in late January, powerplant guru and KITPLANES contributor Turbo Tom Wyatt was killed in a traffic accident near Atlanta. Turbo Tom introduced himself to KITPLANES readers in 2001 when he wrote a three-part series that chronicled the process of converting a Subaru EJ22 for use on an RV-4. The success of that series led to another, How Piston Engines Make Power, which ended just a few months ago with…

FITS Approval, Avemco Discount for the Savvy GPS Pilot Training Program

When you use an IFR-certified GPS during IFR operations, your life can depend on your ability to quickly access the appropriate functions and make the appropriate control inputs. While its possible to achieve adequate proficiency on your own, it can be time-consuming and frustrating for some pilots. According to Aeromedia, Inc., the company's Savvy GPS Pilot training course allows students to go from novice to confident GPS users in two days. …

Garmins Latest-A Ready-to-Fly Aviation PDA

Garmin International announced its latest GPS mapping gadget-the iQue 3600a. According to Garmin, the product is the first Palm-powered aviation device that comes ready to navigate right out of the box without extensive set-up procedures. The package includes the iQue unit with built-in basemap, terrain, obstacle and Jeppesen databases, as well as a yoke-mounted cradle. …

Sensenich Goes Composite, Introduces New Ground-Adjustable Prop

After five years of research, development and testing, Sensenich Wood Propeller Company has announced the availability of a new ground-adjustable composite propeller. Designed with an EZ-pitch hub, the high-performance propeller will result in improved performance on Rotax-powered 912- and 914-series aircraft, says Donald Rowell, Sensenich general manager. The new propellers are manufactured hollow using carbon-fiber, prepreg fabrics in a high-temperature, internal-pressure-molded system. According to the company, this production process yields a durable, low-inertia propeller. The propeller is…

New Dimpling Tool for Experimental Builders

Experimental Aero recently announced the availability of the DRD-2, th second generation of its welded C-frame deep-reach dimple tool.

Music From the Heavens

Or at least the Sirius radio satellite system…PS Engineering has introduced what it says is the only complete audio system with satellite radio-the PMA8000-SR. Added to the company's PMA8000 audio panel/intercom system, the internal Sirius receiver connects directly to the units dual entertainment channels and can be operated by a credit card-sized infrared remote control. A voice prompting audio annunciation system informs the pilot on the status of the Sirius selection. …

Avemco To Insure Pilots Transitioning to GlassCockpits

Avemco Insurance Company announced that insurance coverage for pilots transitioning to glass-cockpit aircraft will be available, provided they participate in formal training in the use of the new avionics. The move comes following discussions with aircraft manufacturers, flight training organizations and vendors of training materials for the new avionics. While the decision was made primarily for certified aircraft (in which factory-provided transition training is often part of the purchase process), it will apply equally to homebuilders…

Unison Unveils Autolite XL Fine Wire Spark Plugs

Unison Industries announced its new Autolite XL Fine Wire Aviation Spark Plugs, which add to the line of general aviation spark plugs offered by Unison for years. According to the company, the new plugs were designed with spark performance, long life and value in mind. The plug utilizes a pedestal mount for the welded side wire electrode, resulting in a projected gap design that provides a less shielded spark for improved combustion. To extend spark plug…

In Case You Missed It

Aircraft Brakes

Some experiences and improvements.

Kit Stuff


Museum of Flying Art

Being a military brat, we moved around some when I was a kid. Having...

Buzzwords: Adverse Yaw

Adverse yaw is usually defined as an airplane yawing in the direction opposite the intended turn direction when insufficient coordinating rudder is applied. True enough, sort of. But there’s more to the story. By Edward P. Kolano.