Take Aviation Consumer's Headset Survey, Win Valuable Prizes

Do you like the headset you own? KITPLANES sister publication, Aviation Consumer, would like to know. It is conducting an extensive customer survey on...

Aussie Outback SLSA to Debut at AirVenture

There’s now another Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA) distributor and training provider in the West. Airgyro Aviation, located in Spanish Fork, Utah, is the...

Aussie Outback SLSA to Debut at AirVenture

There's now another Special Light Sport Aircraft (SLSA) distributor and training provider in the West. Airgyro Aviation, located in Spanish Fork, Utah, is the exclusive sales outlet for Higher Class Aviations Sport Hornet and the new Outback SP 2000 from Australias Light Wing. Airgyro also distributes the Sportcopter 2 gyroplane, certified last year.…

Amy's RV-10: ADs Already

The dreaded letter. Every airplane owner (practically) has gotten one at some point. A problem has been detected with a particular part or piece...


Your hand-held GPS works great and gets you where you want to go. Why would you want to take up precious panel space with...

Got a Question on Batteries? Get an Answer!

We're working on an interview with some battery experts, and this is your chance to ask the tough questions. Have you wondered if dropping an aspirin in will help recover a dead battery (or was that chicken soup)? Then there's the story that charging a battery with it on a concrete floor is a bad idea. Really?…

Friday at the Golden West Fly In

Friday's attendance at Golden West was small, only about 30% of last year's Saturday attendance. But then I didn't see last year's Friday, so...

Bob’s Jabiru: Building a Solid-State Circuit Breaker

With instrument panels now being populated by flat screens, digital readouts and all manner of 21st century silicon wizardry, it seems odd to rely on 60-year-old technology to protect them from power spikes. Specifically, the mechanical circuit breaker. Have you ever seen one on a computer? Wondering what was new in the realm of electrical protection, we did some research the modern way, i.e., on the Internet, and came across an article by our own Jim…

Amy's RV-10: Cutting Costs Without Cutting Corners

If there is anything I've learned this year, it is this: The aviation stuff we do can be a little pricey. We've been breaking...

Batteries: Got a Question? Get an Answer!

We're working on an interview with some battery experts, and this is your chance to ask the tough questions. Have you wondered if dropping...

In Case You Missed It

Building the 750SD XTREME: Part 14

Out of the holding pattern, onto the panel.

Light Stuff

Another European SLSA reaches American shores in the form of Tecnams high-wing, high-style, partially carbon-fiber Tecnam P2008. By Dave Martin.

Error Chain: Fly the Plane!

Some days, it's the little things.

Failed Ignition System

When it comes to aircraft ignition systems, I’ve always favored having one magneto and...