Aerotronics Builds Garmin G900X Panel for Velocity

Aerotronics has been selected to build a prototype panel for Velocity's XL aircraft. According to Velocity's Scott Baker, “We are very excited about having the ability to modernize our aircraft, for now, the G900 will be available for the XL but expansion to other models is being considered.”“We are happy to see Garmin expanding the capabilities list for the G900 and we are eager to begin working with the Velocity factory to create a design…

It Is Not All About The Boys

Heard near AeroShell square on the grounds of EAA AirVenture 2008: "This must be the largest gathering of men in bad hats anywhere in the world." Perhaps that is true, but there are plenty of women at this year's air show who are out to make sure that the world knows that guys are not the only people who work and play at aviation.…

Aertronics Builds Garmin G900X Panel for Velocity

Aerotronics has been selected to build a prototype panel for Velocity's XL aircraft. According to Velocity's Scott Baker, “We are very excited about having...

Jeppesen Releases New VFR+GPS Charts

Jeppesen, Inc., the company that brings you instrument charts, announced today the release of a VFR+GPS chart series for navigation in North America.“The...

Lycoming Introduces New Engine Models, Electronic Engine Controls

Lycoming's 10 a.m. press conference today centered on several new projects for the manufacturer. Of note for Experimental fans are two things: Fully electronic...

Products: Bendix/King Introduces New Handhelds

In a strong suggestion that Honeywell is serious about Bendix/King's return to form in general aviation, the company introduced three new handhelds at a...

Terrafugia's Transition Files Folding Wing Patents

Anna Mracek Dietrich, COO of roadable vehicle developer Terrafugia, has exciting news for this show. Just before the start of the 2008 EAA AirVenture...

Spot Personal Messenger and Locator Tracker

"This product truly evolved by a coincidence," explains Marcel Sibitz, marketing manager for Spot, the personal locator tracker device that has grabbed EAA member's...

Products: PS Engineering Introduces New PMA8000B-MP3

The internal MP3 player functions of the Experimental-aircraft-only PMA9000EX have been so popular that PS Engineering has embedded the same technology into the TSO'd...

Products: PS Engineering Introduces New PMA800

The internal MP3 player functions of the Experimental-aircraft-only PMA9000EX have been so popular that PS Engineering has embedded the same technology into the TSO'd PMA8000B audio panel/intercom to create the PMA8000B-MP3.Using the same chassis and front-panel layout as the popular 8000B, the new MP3 version adds a 1-gigabyte chip to hold the music contents. The front-panel jack now also acts as a USB portal for uploading the music; a converter cable is provided. Unlike the…

In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

A brighter approach to lamp dimmers.

Bob’s Donut Shop

In my April 2021 column, I described making custom rivet nuts to replace self-tapping...

Aero ‘lectrics

This month we get into actually building the portable antenna that was described last month;


 The X FilesChuck Bodeen's article on X-Plane was very informative, but somewhat misleading,...