Always Another Tool
One of the things I brought back from AirVenture last week was a kit from Flyleds to build two LED landing lights that we’re...
Grandaddy Document
We’re helping a neighbor friend clean out the hangar of her late husband, and running across all sorts of things that he collected as...
Bearhawk 4-Place Aircraft Available With DeltaHawk Engine
Bearhawk Aircraft announced today the availability of the new DeltaHawk DHK180 jet fuel burning piston engine as an option for its signature Bearhawk 4-Place...
Self-Debriefing Your AirVenture Experience
Every flying lesson ends with a debriefing. What worked, what didn't, where can improvements be made? If you recently attended The Big Show in...
Patina Cub
Shane Madsen hails from secluded Westlock, Alberta Canada and says he’d like to be the Jesse James of airplanes. He’s off to an honest...
Gweduck A Go
Nearly 20 years ago a modern flying boat was developed by Ben Ellison (yes, the throttle body guy) and friends. Photos were taken, flight...
That Looks Familiar
Quite a few years ago (long before I moved out of Texas), we used to go visit long-time “Ask the DAR” author Mel Asberry...
Win Some, Lose Some
Tsamsiyu and my flight from the Lake Tahoe area to Oshkosh was just about perfect. We were blessed with clear skies, modest tailwind, and...
Renegade Redo
Liking a challenge, the out-going Ted Myers of Myers Aviation in Fulton, Missouri is finishing a Murphy Renegade kit into a mini-Waco look-a-like.
The Renegade...