A Hybrid Engine for GA Aircraft?
George Bye, CEO of Bye Energy, located in Greenwood, Colorado, is confident that a hybrid aviation engine that can be a drop-in replacement for...
Lead Is Out by 2015
The word is coming down in an advanced NPRM any day, according to Robert E. Hackman, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs for AOPA. "EPA has...
Florida Air Museum Breaks Ground on Aviation High School
The Florida Air Museum, located on the grounds of the Lakeland Linder Airport and instrumental in the hosting of the Sun 'n Fun Fly-In...
Dynon Skyview
Dynon introduces the Skyview system and we talk with Nick Bogner about its current and future capabilities. The system is based on 10" and 7" screens, and prices start at $3,900.
Erik Lindbergh LEAPS into Eco-Tech
Thursday, April 15, Day 3 of Sun 'n Fun, was Lindbergh Foundation Day, dedicated to all of the green eco-technologies that the public foundation...
Safety Issues with Technically Advanced Aircraft: Are There Any?
Controversy over results of a recent General Aviation accident analysis generated considerable debate among pilots of technically advanced aircraft (TAA) of both the Experimental...
Aspen Avionics Goes Horizontal
Brad Hayden, the new Vice President of Marketing for Aspen Avionics, introduced the company's newest orientation: horizontal. The Aspen Avionics backup display is actually...
TCW Technologies Integrated Back-up Battery Now Available
We've tested it at KITPLANES so we know it works. But now we can say that you, too, can purchase and get immediate delivery...
TruTrak Introduces Gemini Instruments and Autopilots
Diminutive, and touch-sensitive, the Gemini line of mini integrated autopilots and primary function displays are the next best things coming from TruTrak Flight Systems.
SnF Day 1, An Off-the-Cuff Report
Superb weather was not undone by an brief afternoon rainstorm in Lakeland today, as Sun 'n Fun 2010 got underway. In our travels of...