Lycoming Discusses Development of IE2 and Availability of the IO-233 LSA...

Lycoming General Manager, Michael Kraft, announced yesterday that development of the IE2 FADEC system has reached the point where Lancair, which is the first...

Kannad Announces 406 MHz ELT

Kannad Aviation has said that it is launching a new generation emergency locator transmitter (ELT), the INTEGRA 406 GPS ELT. The INTEGRA operates on the...

Dynon Adds Hardware Modules to SkyView EFIS

Dynon Avionics is introducing three new hardware modules, two Mode-S transponders and an ARINC-429 interface, for the SkyView glass panel system. The new SV-XPNDR-261...

Gross Weight Boost for E/AB Zenith CH 750

Zenith Aircraft Company has announced a design gross weight increase for the STOL CH 750 kit aircraft. The aircraft design gross weight has been...

Jeremy Monnett Interview, Onex Rolls Out

KITPLANES interviews Jeremy Monnett after the roll-out of the light, efficient, single-seat Onex at Oshkosh 2010.

Bose Introduces A20 ANR Headset

This morning at Oshkosh, Bose announced the replacement for the Aviation Headset X, called the A20. Using familiar Bose technology, the A20 adds a...

Glasair Aviation Announces Turbocharged, Carbon-Fiber Sportsman TC

Looking to inject new performance into the established Sportsman design, Glasair Aviation has created a new model by installing a turbocharged, 180-horsepower engine and...

Zenair Introduces Fastbuild Floats

For more than six months, Zenair has been delivering the popular 1150- and 1450-pound kits and factory assembled floats. The company is now offering...

American Legend Offers Spending Bonus on Cub Purchases

American Legend Aircraft Company announced today that the company is offering a $2000 spending bonus on purchases of its Legend Cub certified Special Light...

Roadable Glasair Sportsman?

The Plane Driven web site has announced the completion and flight testing of a fly/drive version of the Glasair Sportsman 2+2 kit aircraft called...

In Case You Missed It


 The X FilesChuck Bodeen's article on X-Plane was very informative, but somewhat misleading,...

Light Stuff

Not all airports welcome “out of the ordinary” aircraft such as gyros, ultralights or powered parachutes. If you’ve been shut out, here are some tips to get you back in. By Roy Beisswenger.

Souls On Board: Two

The FAA will soon allow an additional pilot during Phase 1 testing.

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.