Dynon Introduces Bigger Big Screen

Dynon Avionics pulled the wraps off its biggest big screen EFIS yet.

CubCrafters Introduces the Crab Cub

Development never seems to stop at CubCrafters' Yakima, Washington, HQ. Its latest offering seen here in prototype form on the NX Cub platform is...

Van’s Files Bankruptcy Reorg Plan

Three key elements stand out in the filing.

Van’s Posts Video Update for March 2024

Van’s Aircraft posted a video update today on its progress through Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Among the high points offered by Greg Hughes...

Garmin’s GNS 430 and 530: Not So End of Life?

When Garmin announced recently that it was "sunsetting" support for the GNS 430 and 530 navigators, aviation let out a little collective gasp. There...

Bearhawk Has a New Owner

The Bearhawk line of utility kit aircraft is under new ownership as of last month. Virgil Irwin, a Bearhawk 5 builder himself, has taken...

Red Bull Remembers “The Landing”

One year after Luke Czepiela put a modified Carbon Cub onto a helipad in Dubai, sponsor Red Bull has published a video taking you...

Hartzell Buys WhirlWind

The consolidation of general aviation continues with the announcement today that Hartzell has purchased WhirlWind Propellers. Hartzell is actually part of a much larger...

Will there be smoke? One builder’s RV-10 comes to life!

KITPLANES longtime contributor Larry Anglisano gets to witness the first power up of Mark Welch's partially completed Van's RV-10. A full Garmin G3X Touch...

Reno Replacement Down to Three Sites

While 2023 signaled the last time championship air racing would take place in Reno, Nevada, the organizing body—Reno Air Racing Association (RARA)—has said it...

In Case You Missed It

The Price of Power

More power! Bob Fritz takes a close look at what makes batteries go, what kind is best for your plane, and how to get the most out of your battery.

Odds and Observations

In a distant land, from which Vikings sailed and some of my forefathers sprang,...

uAvionix AV-30 Adds Capabilities

Now with traffic and Wi-Fi!

Wind Tunnel

Design Process-balance, part 2.