Archive: February 1985

A close-up view of Al Gettings’ half-scale P-47 Thunderbolt was on our February 1985 cover.

ELT Problems

Expired batteries also have the potential to leak and cause severe corrosion.

When Will the Sonex High Wing Be Ready?

We Asked Mark Schaible & This Is What He Said!

Don Wall BD-5J

A BD-5J comes back from a long hiatus.

Building a Backbone

Building the “spinal cord” from panel to tail is far easier (even when you use conduit) before the floors are nailed down, so think about it early.

Professionally Hosed: Watch Aero Performance Build Hoses for Experimental and Certified...

Myron Nelson recently paid a visit to Aero Performance, a subsidiary of Aircraft Spruce, to see how hoses are made.

Quick Tip: In Praise of the Doodlebug

Nobody likes trying to remove dried bug residue. Unless you catch them while still, um, moist, insect remains will dry to have an impressive attachment to your airframe.

Crystal Balling — What Will Rotax Do Next?

My latest prognostication jag centers on what’s next for Rotax. And it’s driven by a feeling that there’s no time to waste moving up the horsepower ladder.

A Little Protection

A technique I learned when I bought my most recent car.

Hide the Comm

Someone asked me (after seeing the panel photo of our nascent Rocket front office) why there are circuit breakers underneath the IFR Nav/Transponder on...

In Case You Missed It

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

Around the Patch

The Editor-in-Chief discusses how the improper cut of his instrument panel affected the performance of his Dynon autopilot; by Marc Cook.

Full Inverted Pocket System

Extra storage for small carry-on items in an RV-8.

Emmy and Sarah

Finding the perfect trainer.