Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 6
KITPLANES Magazine, August 1997 Building a RotorWay 162FPart 6 of 8: Hoses, wires and muffler Jeff Dunham It's finally happened. The writing of these...
Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 2
KITPLANES Magazine, April 1997Building a RotorWay 162FPart 2 of 8: Unpackingby Jeff Dunham Last issue we looked at RotorWay International and its history, and...
Building a RotorWay 162F, Part 3
KITPLANES Magazine, May 1997Building a RotorWay 162FPart 3 of 8: Preparing the helicopter's Jeff DunhamBefore we get to more building, I want to...