Sport Pilot TV Takes Flight

Nothing on TV? Try this-Sport Pilot TV, a weekly aviation program dedicated to flying for fun, recently debuted on The Mens Channel, a cable television network. Despite its name, Sport Pilot TV puts you in the flying seat of airplanes beyond those that qualify for the FAAs new Light Sport category. All kinds of aircraft are featured-conventional, homebuilts, ultralights, LSAs and others.. …

New KitLog Pro Adds Features, Online Hub for Builders

Aeroware Enterprises announced the release of the latest edition of KitLog Pro, v2.0. The program is a software-based organizational tool that allows an aircraft builder to create, archive, manage and display the entire construction process. The long anticipated release includes an entirely new look, added features, functions and flexibility and the ability to post construction logs to the internet. …

FAA Approves Dreams Fastbuild Tundra Kit for 51%

Dream Aircraft, manufacturer of the Tundra kit aircraft, announced that the FAA has approved its recently developed fastbuild kit as legal per the regs of the major portion rule. According to Luc Prmont of Dream, the company has completed as much work as possible on the kit while ensuring it still adheres to the 51% rule. …

CGS Donates Original Hawk Prototype to Sun n Fun Museum

The original CGS Hawk prototype, which made its public debut at the 1982 Sun *n Fun Fly-in in Lakeland, Florida, will permanently reside where it all started, the company announced. Designer (and still company president) Chuck Slusarczyk announced that hes donated to the Sun *n Fun Museum. When the Hawk was introduced, it caused a huge flurry of interest and initiated a bit of controversy as well. In an era when foot launching, open seating and…

Sennheisers Latest Headsets

Sennheiser has updated its two closed-cup headsets, the passive-attenuation HME 110 and the active-noise-canceling HMEC 450. Revised ear cups provide passive noise attenuation and the company says the lightweight, extra-soft leather-look ear pads and their comfortably padded headband ensure optimum wearing comfort even on long flights. Both units include high-quality, noise-compensated microphones on flexible booms, and both headsets are set up for stereo or mono use. The HMEC 450 includes the BP-4 battery pack with auto-shutoff…

Flight Evaluator Watches Your Every Move

Do you ever wish you could replay a flight or a flight lesson with greater accuracy than your memory provides? How about keep an accurate record of your Phase I flight testing? These are among the goals of Appareos Flight Evaluator system, comprised of the GAU 500 Flight Recorder, a cube-shaped box carried in the airplane, and a software suite used to analyze the flight data later on. …

Eagle Offers Engine Build Programs for XTREEM Engines

Ameritech Industries, the parent company of Eagle Engines and American Propeller Service of Redding, California, has announced the debut of an engine build program for Eagles XTREEM 360 and XP-360 powerplants. The two-day builder-assist workshop will be held at the company's shop on one weekend every month. Two options are available for interested customers. The first is observation only--*this is designed for the individual who would like to learn about how the engine is built along…

Enhanced Version of ePanel Builder Site Debuts

Bill VonDane of Whiskey Victor, Inc. announced the debut of the company's long-awaited new and enhanced ePanel Builder web site. The site is designed to provide kit aircraft builders with the tools necessary to design and build an instrument panel to exact specifications. The new module will guide builders through the design and building process with as much or as little assistance as desired. New tools allow builders to design and save multiple versions of a…

FAA Approves Waiex and Xenos Kits for 51% Rule

The FAA completed full evaluations of the Waiex and Xenos kits from Sonex, Ltd. in October 2005 for compliance with the major portion requirement of 14 CFR section 21.191(g). Sonex announced that both kits were approved and now officially meet the 51% Rule, as its usually called. The approval ensures all Waiex and Xenos builders will have a smooth road in registering their completed airplanes as Experimental/Amateur-Built. It also ensures that all non-U.S. customers whose governing…

Stratomaster Adds to Line of Glass Instruments with the Ultra Horizon...

Pilots crave flexibilitycall it the Type A personality in all of usand Stratomaster has provided just that in the new Ultra Horizon XL. This monochromatic EFIS has new user-configurable screens that allow for personalization; these screens can be customized to place the instruments in different places on the display but can also be disabled easily for a simplified layout. …

In Case You Missed It


Material MattersBob Hadley wrote an excellent article that clears up what all those...


Alternator RealityIn the wiring diagrams in the article "All About Avionics: The Electric Airplane"...

Metal Magic: Dimpling and Countersinking

Before you can start driving countersunk rivets, you need to know how to dimple or countersink aluminum.

Findlay Punch

Hole-making punches, also known as knockout punches, are a quick and easy way to...