Red Bull Air Races: What the Old, New and Experimental Can...

It's race day on San Diego Bay in Southern California. I look around at the more than 70,000 people (120,000 over two days) assembled...

Mustang Aeronautics Open House Fly-In

The Midget Mustang and Mustang II fly-in and factory open house is scheduled for May 17th at the Oakland Troy Airport (KVLL) and the...

Glasair Aircraft Owners Association

Owners of all Glasair Aviation aircraft are now united under one roof.

Chip Yates and His Long–ESA

It was appropriate that Chip Yates should have a prominent spot in the Innovation Hangar at AirVenture. Shortly before the event began, he sent...

Yamaha Looks At Airplane Engines (Corrected)

Yamaha is dipping a tentative toe into the aviation engine market in a partnership with a Japanese manufacturer. The recreational and industrial vehicle giant...

Sonex Offers Incentive Pricing for Subkits

Sonex Aircraft has announced that those who buy a Sonex or Waiex tail kit may receive a $2000 discount for buying all of the remaining subkits as a single purchase. The company says many potential Sonex builders buy the tail kit as a way to preview the kit and see if they wish to continue with the project.

FAA Approves Dreams Fastbuild Tundra Kit for 51%

Dream Aircraft, manufacturer of the Tundra kit aircraft, announced that the FAA has approved its recently developed fastbuild kit as legal per the regs of the major portion rule. According to Luc Prmont of Dream, the company has completed as much work as possible on the kit while ensuring it still adheres to the 51% rule. …

Well There's Your Problem!

Dan "Nordo" West's 248 mph RV-8 held its place in the Sport Bronze race today, but wasn't able to move up because it started...

Approach Systems and Park Rapids Join to Produce Modular Wiring Systems

Approach Systems, manufacturer of modular plug-and-play wirings systems for homebuilt airplanes, announced that it has formed a joint venture with Park Rapids Avionics. The new company will be called Approach Fast Stack Systems, and it will develop and sell a line of avionics products for the industry. Approachs modular wiring system interconnects avionics components with a central hub and ready-built cables for the majority of avionics available to homebuilders. Its designed to eliminate time and error…

GAMI G100UL Approval and Next Steps

It’s been a week since the FAA finally signed a significantly broadened STC allowing the use of GAMI’s G100UL unleaded avgas in virtually every...

In Case You Missed It

Blue film removal

Easy Blue Plastic Film Removal

A near-zero-effort way to remove the protective blue plastic film from large sheets of aluminum.

CubCrafters EX-2 363 Walkaround Review

CubCrafters' Brad Damm details all the differences in the EX-2 with the CC 363i...

Down to Earth

Is the mainstream medias portrayal of aviation incidents sensationalized or on target? Turns out they are right in some aspects, but lacking in others. Either way, the aviation accident rate illustrates that there's still room for improvement; by Amy Laboda.

Archive: October 1997

A sleek Lancair IV-P was on our October 1997 cover along with the blurb promising an over-gulf trip from Florida to Mexico.