From the Horse's Mouth: The FAA Won't Re-Evaluate Kits on the...

I mentioned that the FAA had announced at Sun 'n Fun that it would not re-evaluate kits that are currently on the approved list....

Now the Sounds from Sun 'n Fun

We had the opportunity to field a few podcasts from Sun 'n Fun this year, hosted on our sister site, Avweb. Here are links...

Now the Sounds from Sun ‘n Fun

We had the opportunity to field a few podcasts from Sun 'n Fun this year, hosted on our sister site, Avweb. Here are links to those interviews.Seeing through clouds is the coming technology, but it comes with a price. Grand Rapids' Todd Stehouwer talks about the technological challenges of implementing synthetic vision in an Experimental-class EFIS.…

Reflections on the Lake(land)

Invariably, someone always asks me the same question as I come dragging home: Was it worth it?We all come away from Sun 'n Fun...

Rocket Racing League Announces Schedule, Velocity Aircraft Sold

Positioning itself as a "new entertainment sports league that combines the exhilaration of racing with the power of rocket engines," the Rocket Racing League...

Rocket Racing

Positioning itself as a "new entertainment sports league that combines the exhilaration of racing with the power of rocket engines," the Rocket Racing League announced that it will stage its first exhibition race at Oshkosh this year. The vehicles will be liquid-oxygen-fueled rockets in modified Velocity airframes. Three more exhibition races will be held at Reno (September 10-14), at the X-Prize Cup (Las Cruces, NM, date TBA), and at Aviation Nation, Nellis Air Force Base…

Amy's RV-10: Hangar Health

Pro-Seal: It’ll stick to anything, the label says, and that’s the truth. We’ve recently re-experienced it when Van’s Aircraft sent us a bit to...

That's All Folks….

Well, another Sun 'n Fun airshow has gone by. As the traditional start of the season, this one was, at times, fraught and promising,...

Plane-Power Keeps the Juice Flowing

There's nothing like meeting vendors face-to-face to get instantaneous answers to your questions about their products, and the aisles in the four large commercial...

That’s All Folks….

Well, another Sun 'n Fun airshow has gone by. As the traditional start of the season, this one was, at times, fraught and promising, often nail biting and reaffirming. It started, as you've certainly heard a thousand times, wet and muddy. By good luck, I elected to travel from the West Coast on Monday, missing the worst of the weather. The aftermath was there, however, in the form of soggy fields that would stiffen to…

In Case You Missed It

Four Decades Old, Look At Us Now

Publisher Dennis Shattuck took a flier on a growing segment of aviation back when...

Archive: February 1999

Our February 1999 issue teased a summer’s worth of aeronautical splash-n-dash with a “Water-Flying...

A Matter of Survival

If your aircraft turns in to a smoldering pile of ash and your gear happens to be in the baggage compartment, well…what you’ve got is what you’ve got.

The New Old Aero Engine!

ULPower takes a different approach to air-cooled, horizontally-opposed, direct-drive engines. By Steve Ells.