Legend Cub Rebate Offer

American Legend Aircraft Company has announced that the company will offer $5000 cash back on its popular Legend Cub certified Light Sport Aircraft with orders placed before the close of AirVenture Oshkosh 2008, which runs July 28 to August 3.With the $5000 rebate applied, a new Legend Cub AL3 (open-cowl …

Lake Tahoe – Airshow and Fly-In 2008

The extensive smoke from the fires in northern California had dissipated enough to make the annual airshow at the Lake Tahoe Airport (KTVL) worth...

Helicopters on the Rise

On Saturday, June 21 some 8000 people decided it was a perfect day for an airshow in Northern California, and they all came to...

Legend Cub Rebate Offer

American Legend Aircraft Company has announced that the company will offer $5000 cash back on its popular Legend Cub certified Light Sport Aircraft with...

Turk Joins JPI

Lance Turk, former president of Vision Microsystems, has accepted the position of director of product development at JP Instruments. Turk brings extensive experience in...

New Product: Set-and-Forget Air Conditioning

Flightline AC, Inc., working in conjunction with Vertical Power, now offers an advanced automatic climate control system (CCS) for Experimental aircraft. The CCS was...

New Product:: Set-and-Forget Air Conditioning

Flightline AC, Inc., working in conjunction with Vertical Power, now offers an advanced automatic climate control system (CCS) for Experimental aircraft. The CCS was a natural to work with the VP-200 solid-state electrical system, says Marc Ausman, president of Vertical Power. Flightline AC provides air conditioning systems to owners of advanced aircraft such as Lancair, Cirrus and the Vans RV-10. Pilots have been asking for automatic CCS features, says Flightline President John Strain.…

New Product: Audio Panel Solutions

Vx Aviation of Vancouver, British Columbia, has announced three products for non-certified aircraft that add capability, reduce cost and potentially simplify audio system installation....

Legend Cub Offers New Prop Option

American Legend Aircraft and Texas Sport Aircraft, manufacturers of the certified Legend Cub LSA and the Texas Sport kit aircraft, announced that the company...

Rick & Ace's GlaStar: Finding Face Time with the Project

When we last visited Rick Lindstrom and Len (Ace) Rodriguez, they had just trucked their new (used) fast-track GlaStar project to its new home...

In Case You Missed It

High-Desert Tales

Crashed helmet.

Ask the DAR

Avionics certification, ops lims for self-designed aircraft, house paint on Experimentals.

Record Opportunities

Disqualified from flying under the U.K.s strict aeromedical requirements, Steve Wood has nonetheless made a life of piloting his own airplane and promoting aviation while acquiring numerous world records along the way.

When Good Electrons Go Bad

When wiring up a homebuilt aircraft, it pays to ask: What do I want to protect myself from?