Spot Personal Messenger and Locator Tracker

"This product truly evolved by a coincidence," explains Marcel Sibitz, marketing manager for Spot, the personal locator tracker device that has grabbed EAA member's attention at the EAA AirVenture 2008 show. "We are part of a satellite phone company that tracks and containers. The vice president of development, Bob Bennett had an idea to put the technologies together and come up with a personal locator tracker. But it was Greg Wilkenson, our sales manager, who…

You CAN Take It With You

"My son designed this," says David Shelton, father of David Shelton, who was convinced that the best way to use his general aviation aircraft would be to take his ground transportation with him. "He saw the roadable aircraft," says Shelton, " and he thought, there has to be a simpler way."…

Getting to Know the Neighborhood: The Short Story of 68 Airports

Why is this man smiling?George Mendonca has been flying for more than 51 years and has just made a personal goal: fly left-seat into...

Oshkosh Set Up Day

Wonderful, not-too-humid weather greeted AirVenture participants today, with many of the previously flooded/swamped parking spaces (aircraft and cars) drying into usefulness. The overall mood...

Texas Sport Offers Kit Rebate

Texas Sport Aircraft Company has announced a $2500 rebate on the Texas Sport amateur-built aircraft kit, a derivative of the American Legend Cub intended...

Texas Sport Offers Kit Rebate

Texas Sport Aircraft Company has announced a $2500 rebate on the Texas Sport amateur-built aircraft kit, a derivative of the American Legend Cub intended for amateur aircraft builders.The Texas Sport aircraft kit comprises four major sections: fuselage, wings, tail and firewall-forward kits. To receive the $2500 rebate, customers must purchase all four. Priced individually, the four sections normally cost $39,900. With the rebate, the base price is $37,400.…

Oshkosh Set Up Day

Wonderful, not-too-humid weather greeted AirVenture participants today, with many of the previously flooded/swamped parking spaces (aircraft and cars) drying into usefulness. The overall mood of the exhibitors was surprisingly upbeat considering the economy in general and the cst of fuel (a bit issue for pilots) specifically.Over the years, as AirVenture turns more corporate and big-iron, the press conferences move further up the week, until Monday is totally full, top to bottom. Tomorrow (Monday), some of…

Products: PS Engineering Expands Capabilities

PS Engineering's Experimental-aircraft-only audio panel/intercom introduced last year, the PMA9000EX, has gained new capabilities combined with a reduced price-how often does that happen?First the economic news; at $2295, the 9000EX is $100 cheaper than when it was introduced. Second is the capability: The internal MP3 player has increased internal memory, from 512 megabytes to 1 gigabyte.…

Products: PS Engineering Expands Capabilities, Reduces Price on PMA9000EX

PS Engineering's Experimental-aircraft-only audio panel/intercom introduced last year, the PMA9000EX, has gained new capabilities combined with a reduced price—how often does that happen?First the...

Lancair’s First Evolution Kit Delivered

Lancair International announced today that it has delivered the first Evolution kit to Andy Cruce of Miramar, Florida. Cruce and his wife saw the...

In Case You Missed It

Ask the DAR

This month DAR Mel Asberry tackles questions about modifying an aircraft and the flight testing required, what should be on a dataplate, and what you need to know about getting an airworthiness certificate after completing a partially built aircraft.

Kit Stuff

N82EZ Long-EZ

It Don’t Come Easy

After 13 years, Allen Floyd builds a Grand Champion Long-EZ.

Chasing a Better Backcountry Experience

Mike Marker’s search for the ideal landing gear.