Get Them While They're Young
Walking around EAA AirVenture this year, I saw the next generation of airplane enthusiasts being brought up. There are some who are concerned that...
Beyerdynamic Introduces HS 600 Digital ANR Headset
Beyerdynamic debuted its new HS 600 DANR (Digital Adaptive Noise Reduction) headset at AirVenture, offering a discount to the first 50 "test pilots." Using...
Commentary: A Conversation with GAMA's CEO
Most of us know Alan Klapmeier as the CEO and Chairman of Cirrus Design, and part of the duo (with his brother Dale) who...
DeltaHawk Awarded LoPresti Innovation Prize
LoPresti Aviation has announced the winner of the first annual Roy Lopresti memorial "Innovation in Aviation Award" to DeltaHawk Engines for their development and...
ClickBond Fasteners Streamline Construction
Having just spent a couple days replacing traditional cowling nutplates before coming to the show, I was intimately familiar with laying out the rivet...
Aspen Avionics EFD 1000 Pro: Installation and Flight
Aspen Avionics, the little EFIS company that has taken aviation by storm with its modular PFD/MFD designed for a low cost retrofit in aircraft...
AirGizmos Portable Antenna Package Debuts
Air Gizmos has introduced a premium beanbag XM antenna package, designed for easy switching of your Garmin GPSMAP396 or 496 antenna between an airplane...
Small Wonders at the Seaplane Base
It's Thursday at AirVenture and the weather is great so, with feet worn out through hiking the booths and flight lines, I took the bus out to the seaplane base. Out of the way, yes, but well worth the ride.Wandering around I spotted a very small aircraft that had drawn a few folks and just listened in for a while. If airplane people are drawn together by a common interest, seaplane folks are more so,…
Dunham Makes the Most of AirVenture
Its hard to say who was having more fun at comedian/ventriloquist Jeff Dunhams show at AirVenture's Theater in the Woods on Wednesday night: Dunham or the overflow audience. Dunham, builder and pilot of several RotorWay helicopters, spent a few days at the show having a bunch of fun in the air.…
AveoFlash LED Aircraft Lighting Dazzles
It's not often that I see a product that just stops me in my tracks, but upon entering Hangar B, I was like a deer caught in the headlights (literally). The AveoFlash LED lighting system from AveoEngineering shows just what can be done when high-intensity LEDs meet seasoned engineers who are given free rein to design "what pilots really want," according to John Rossall of BAE Systems (that's right, as in British Aerospace). The resulting…