Aspen Avionics Growing, Secures New Funding

Aspen Avionics celebrated its second visit to the Sun n Fun fly-in by providing information on new product improvements and announcing new funding that gives the company the stability to move forward, according to company CEO and president John Uczekaj.

AV8OR Handheld Capability Expanded

Honeywell has announced that owners of its Bendix/King AV8OR handheld navigator may now add XM weather products, an air traffic interface, obstacles and other functions via a free software download by going to Honeywells Wingman Services web site or the company's web site.

Kitfox LSA Flight Test

Marc Cook reports on flying the Kitfox LSA.

Company Profile: Kitfox

Kitplanes editor Marc Cook profiles Kitfox during a visit to the company's Homedale, Idaho, headquarters.

Marc and Paul’s Sportsman Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Video Blog (Part 5)

The guys finally make it out of Winnemuca after two days of snow and ice and cross the Sierras back into the Golden State.

Marc and Paul’s Sportsman Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Video Blog (Part 4)

Marc and Paul runnamucca in Winnemucca!That's in Nevada, by the way - and home of the friendliest FBO on the planet. Good thing, 'cuz the boys have been snowed in there for two days.

Marc and Paul’s Sportsman Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Video Blog (Part 3)

"Do you realize how obsessive you are?" That's Paul's observation as the boys wing their way across Idaho and Nevada. Ya notice things when cooped up in the same cockpit for three days ...

Marc and Paul’s Sportsman Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Video Blog (Part 2)

Marc Cook and Paul Bertorelli continue their Sportsman odyssey with a look at this unique aircraft.
Paul Bertorelli and Marc Cook

Marc and Paul’s Sportsman Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Video Blog (Part 1)

Gearing up for the Sun 'n Fun extravaganza in Lakeland, Kitplanes editor Marc Cook and AVweb editorial director Paul Bertorelli are motoring around the west in Cook's Glastar Sportsman visiting companies prior to the show.

Marc and Paul’s Sportsman Pre-Sun ‘n Fun Video Blog

Gearing up for the Sun 'n Fun extravaganza in Lakeland, Kitplanes editor Marc Cook and AVweb editorial director Paul Bertorelli are motoring around the...

In Case You Missed It

Light and Capable

There are so many ways to try to keep the weight down in a homebuilt project, but some are better than others.

The Home Machinist

If your hacksaw has been relegated to the bottom of your toolbox, chances are its because you don't know how to use it properly. Author Bob Fritz offers a primer on the subject that may make you think more highly of this underused tool. A discussion of cam construction and keyless chucks rounds out this installment.

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir sounds off on an all-purpose beeper that will work for most anything you want to call attention to in the cockpit.

Light Stuff

Dave Martin returns to Sebring, and found a healthy supply of browsers and buyers. A healthy supply of aircraft, great weather, reasonable ticket and food prices, and no race noise combined to make the show a success.