Fun With Part Numbers

As I'm getting ready to re-assemble my wife’s O-360-A1A, I have spent a lot of time looking up part numbers. Not, as it turns...

Watch this SPOT

A funny thing happened on the way to the coast. I’ve been flying with the Garmin GNX 375 GPS/transponder for a few months now....

A Crowd of One

Kitplanes contributing editor Kerry Fores, a lifelong resident of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, self-populated AirVenture's famous Brown Arch in March while self-isolating. This video is a...

Hate It When I Do That!

First things first - this is in no way Aircraft Spruce’s fault! Nope, this is totally on me - they sent exactly what I...

The Value of Heeding Directions

As builders, we are generally good at doing the research: reading directions, poring over plans and diagrams and generally trying to figure stuff out...

Out with the Old

Yes,  know that I have written numerous times over the years about being careful about “while I’m in there…” syndrome—starting out on a simple...

The Nut Under the Cam Gear

Anyone that has disassembled and/or built a four-cylinder Lycoming is probably very familiar with a specific nut - the one hiding underneath the cam...

You’ve Done Your Duty

Nothing lasts forever.

A Great Day to Burn Jet A

About the only good thing that you can say about these times of angst and social distancing is that flying a single-seat airplane puts...

The Virtual Fly-In

Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and in these days of social isolation from COVID-19, aviators who still want to congregate for community support...

In Case You Missed It

Garmin’s Budget Navigators

Just when we thought the stand-alone GPS navigator was dead, Garmin introduces two new ones aimed at lower budgets.

Down to Earth

Getting the spark right. By Amy Laboda.

Wind Tunnel

Columnist Barnaby Wainfan discusses the factors that affect the longitudinal stability of an aircraft during a variety of maneuvers. Designers make compromises to keep stick forces down so that a pilot can control an airplane, but sometimes they go too far, and light control forces can result in problems that are just as serious as those posed by forces that are too heavy. Whats a designer to do? The most important considerations are presented.

Aero ‘lectrics

Regular regulations.