More Time to Comment on FAA Hangar-Use Policy

Agency grants extension requests from EAA, CAF, others September 2, 2014 - The Federal Aviation Administration will allow an additional 30 days to comment on its proposed...

Hangar Policy Lunacy

Sometimes, I'm glad our readers are paying attention because I'm not sure we always are. By "we," I mean the editorial we; the crack,...

EAA Asking FAA to Recognize All Homebuilding Activity

The EAA today released a statement clarifying their position on the draft hangar usage policy that the FAA released for comment two weeks ago....

Oshkosh—A New Hope!

As we walked around the grounds at Wittman Filed in Oshkosh this weekend, it became apparent that there is new emphasis on the old...

Best Electric Aircraft Symposium Ever?

Kitplanes own Dean Sigler (Alternative Energies) attended this year's Electric Aircraft Symposium in Santa Rosa, CA as part of the faculty for the event,...

The Heights We Go To…

Veteran Kitplanes writer / photographer Tom Wilson is seen here, working on a cover shot for an upcoming Retro Flight Review of the Starduster...

Sun 'n Fun Wanderings

One of the best parts about working for KITPLANES is the opportunity I get to wander around a large show like Sun 'n Fun...

FAA Makes Progress on Dual-Pilot Phase One Testing

KITPLANES magazine met with Mark Giron of FAA headquarters on the opening day of Sun 'n Fun to discuss progress on the concept of...

AKIA Covers Lengthy Agenda with EAA

Members of the Aircraft Kit Industry Association (AKIA) sat down recently with senior staff at EAA headquarters in Oshkosh, WI to discuss a variety...

Have You Ever Scared Yourself?

Here at Kitplanes, we are not just dedicated to helping people find, build and fly their experimental aircraft - we want to make sure...

In Case You Missed It

Light Stuff

Dave Martin revisits the Evektor SportStar, and even after a three-year hiatus, he found the Max IFR to be a forgiving and delightful airplane.

Light Stuff

Its two aircraft in one: The Jabiru J230 is being sold both as a kit and as a Special (factory-built) Light Sport Aircraft thats ready to fly. By Dave Martin.

Virus Motorglider

Ed Wischmeyer samples the Pipistrel Virus, a versatile Slovenian composite motorglider that can be built or bought ready-to-fly.


Julia DownieOnce a year we take the opportunity to publicly thank the hard-working Julia...