Back in the Saddle
Two weeks is a long time for me to go without flying. It doesn't happen very often - even most of the time when...
Full Swivel!
With just one more hour to go before our RV-3 reaches 500 on the clock, her Silver Bullet tailwheel steering arm decided it had...
Those Special Tools…
I don't often succumb to those folks selling special tools at big shows - you know the folks that have special jewelry cleaner, or...
Keeping Up to Date
I like to pride myself on staying up with the latest technology, but I have obviously been slipping when it comes to the Jeppesen...
It's Alive!
One of the fun things about living at an airpark is that there is usually something aeronautical going on. This weekend, our neighbor down...
It's always peaceful to stop drilling metal and pounding rivets once in awhile, and settle down to the workbench with a soldering iron and...
Green Bananas
I like to cruise high because it is generally smoother, cooler, and you have a better view of the weather around you. And I...
Dropping in on Synergy
Synergy Air started out as a Builder Assist facility in Eugene Oregon, and now is the builder for Van's Aircraft of their SLSA RV-12s....
Skyview Install – Piece of Cake!
One of the projects we have going on right now is to finish up a Dream Tundra that we partnered in early this year....
Gusting to WHAT?
We were on our way back from Oshkosh a few weeks ago, headed from Minnesota to Western Nevada in one day. The forecast was...