Drill, deburr… repeat!

After several months of waiting on new pre-punched parts to be made and delivered by Dream Aircraft for our Tundra, we finally received a big box of belly skins and repairs are underway!

Triple the Fun

Some days, aviation isn't about experimentals - it can be hard to pass up the opportunity to get a ride in a classic! Today was such a day - the EAA's Ford Tri-motor is in town (giving rides out of the Carson City, Nevada airport through the weekend.

The Sacrificial (Work)bench

Formica covered workbenches are wonderful, and I do admire the way they look when the shop is all cleaned up. They are great for maintenance jobs that require grease and oil once the airplane is flying. But for efficient construction of airplanes, give me a sacrificial workbench surface.

Complex Problem – Simple Tool

We're working to assemble the right spar of our Xenos motor glider, and one of the tough things I found on the left spar...

Paul Dye’s Notes from Lycoming Class

Ed. note: These notes are part of Paul Dye's article about attending Lycoming's engine assembly school. For such “simple” engines, Lycoming type power plants, there...

Dropping in (and getting Airborne) at Sonex

Whenever I find myself in Oshkosh in the "off-season" for EAA meetings and vents, I try and drop in on our friends at Sonex...

Drill Straight!

We've finished up the left spar for our Xenos motor glider, and that means starting what seems like a whole new airplane project to...

Tundra Progress

I keep getting asked how our Tundra repair project has been coming along, and since I've talked about it here before, it is only...

Something Different

No, it's not experimental - but it is a little different. It's not often I find a J-3 Cub with a 100 horse C-85...

Discretion… and all that

Sometimes discretion really is the better part of valor. I'm sitting here in my home on the east side of the Sierra, just down...

In Case You Missed It

The Meredith Effect-Fact or Fiction?

Can a properly ducted radiator offset all internal cooling drag and produce thrust?

Yearly Condition Inspection, Part I

If you own a Cessna or other certificated airplane, you need to get an...

Prop Gyro

A rotating propeller acts as a gyroscope.

Kitfox with a Rotec

The Rotec-radial-powered Kitfox Super Sport taps into our nostalgia for radial engines but with a modern touch.