What's in YOUR Cockpit?

I spent most of my life living - and flying - in the middle of the country. It's hard to find places between the...

HUD's Up!

I spent some time this weekend testing a new Heads Up Display product from Grand Rapids Technologies, and I think that folks who have...

Learn to Wire Well

Way back in my career as a NASA engineer, I spent most of my time training. You see, I wasn't a design engineer -...

Now… With Bikes!

I've done this before, last year when I flew the new Murphy Radical, so it wasn't completely an unknown feeling when I lifted off...

Always More to Learn

I love solving problems--it is just hard to find the time to work on the little ones. I have been wiring avionics for more...

Foolin’ Around with Design and Fabrication

It's a quiet week between Christmas and New Year's, since my outstanding magazine staff guys got ahead of the schedule and made it that...

The Tundra in Winter

Flying through the holiday season has its challenges - climatically, winter is blowing in and that means fast-moving systems with lots of cold. In...

Applied Research – the Search Process

I have always found that the success in a highly technical endeavor that encompasses a vast sea of knowledge is not about memorizing everything...

Hi-Tech Tech Counseling

I had a wonderful flight on a recent cool Saturday morning out into the middle of Nevada - Winnemucca, Nevada, to be precise. Cold...

It Takes a Village

  ...And every village needs an idiot. Or at least someone who doesn't know something. The best thing though - is the village can come...

In Case You Missed It

The Home Machinist

All tapped out? Bob Fritz lets you in on his secrets for retrieving broken, over-torqued and stripped screw heads.

Practical Electrical

Wire termination science—part III. By Robert L. Nuckolls, III.

Bingo Fuel

Having more gas on board than needed for a given flight seems easy enough...

25th Anniversary: The Glasair-Lancair Wars

The origins of Stoddard-Hamilton Aircraft precede Lancair Aircraft by a few years, but once Lancair entered the game, competition was not only fierce but also productive; by Marc Cook.