Old Dog, New Trick

I've been working on airplanes for a long time, and some things I do a certain way because I have always done them a...

Only One Way to Skin This Wing

There may be more than one way to skin a feline (I've never tired), but if you stray from the instructions while skinning this...

Westbound After the Show

  Oshkosh 2018 is in the books, and hopefully, pilots from all parts of the country have made it home safely. It was a good...

Thoughts in Cruise

Cruising across the wilds of central Nevada the other day, my thoughts turned to GPS and the frequent outage NOTAMs we get when the...

The Days Before

While AirVenture doesn't officially start until Monday, the three or four days before are really my favorite. It's the time of gathering, the time...

Reviewing the NOTAM

If you've been flying in to AirVenture since it was still just called "Oshkosh," you probably have the arrival and departure procedures down cold....

'Twas the Week Before Oshkosh

No, sorry - not going to do the poetry thing. I'm way too busy getting ready for the big show - and the big...

The Call

Hmmm... unknown caller from Georgia on the cell phone. With the amount of robocalls for cruise lines that seems to be generated these days,...

Building a Jet

"If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do." --Warren Miller I have always enjoyed Warren Miller's ski films, not...

A Whole 'lotta Ribs!

Yup - that's a lot of ribs for one wing, isn't it? Finally, after a long delay building a new shop, we got back...

In Case You Missed It

Point Designs

Point designs are the answers to a particular, well-defined problem. They don‘t necessarily answer any other problem.

The Unintimidated Builder

Builder Walter Treadwell has taken on projects that many of us would find daunting, and he keeps upping the ante. First came a Lancair 235, then a plansbuilt Jenny JN-4, followed by a P-38 and then his current project, a resized Sikorsky S-38. Some 4000 hours into the new project, Treadwell has a ways to go, but fortunately he has a mini AgCat to fly in the meantime; by Bob Fritz.

The Coming Revolution

Tremendous progress has been made in the Automatic Speech Recognition realm (think iPhone’s Siri), and this technology may be a boon to solo pilots sooner than you think. By James P. Hauser.

Build It Better: What’s Your Backup Plan?

The word “redundancy” is often heard in aviation, and with good reason. But a well-thought-out backup plan involves more than just having two of everything.