Wiring Time!

It's easy to tell when a shop is deep into avionics wiring - at least it is in my shop! I generally start by...

Power to the Panel!

When you're elbow deep in wiring, it is motivating once in awhile to clear all of the debris, check all the connections, and apply...

All of Us are Smarter than Any of Us

One of the best things about this job is the number of contacts I get from members of the homebuilding community - It's like...

Me and the Val

It is so easy to take things for granted when you have had them for a long time. I've been flying my RV-8, which...

It Starts With One Pair of Pliers

The job was to remove and replace a cotter pin (in order to remove and replace a clevis pin) in the nose-wheel well of...

Getting Fuelish

One of the interesting things about the Subsonex kit is that it is easy to skip around from one task to another as you're...

Engine Day!

I know that "Kneeboard Notes" is supposed to be about flying as well as building--but winter weather seems to have settled into our little...

Oh Nuts!

Well actually... "Oh nut!" What do you do when you drop a nut inside a fuel tank with a hole too small to get...

A Little of This, a Little of That

One of the nice things about having all of the sub-kits and materials necessary to build an airplane in your shop at once is...

Easy Hole Spacing

One of the curses of modern CAD technology is that designers can draw something up, then have the computer dimension it for them on...

In Case You Missed It

Buying Used: The Pulsar

A popular homebuilt from the 1990s remains viable, if somewhat rare, today.
Starduster too on the ramp

Rear Cockpit: The Other Guy’s Plane

In a parallel life of mine—auto journalism—shop talk occasionally got around to just how...


Wrong nuts.