Group Therapy

As a naturally introverted engineer (redundant, I know), I enjoy working in my shop all alone, with nothing but a little soft music (and...

The Gorge

How is it that an airplane oriented company like Van’s Aircraft can be based in a valley that always seems to be fogged or...

It’s That Time Again

It's time for us aviation journalists to trot out our well-oiled please for practice, tolerance, and good decision-making
Paul Dye

Passing the Baton

Marc Cook returns to the pages of Kitplanes as Editor in Chief while Paul step into another role.

Loki the SubSonex Jet is a Free Bird!

My ever-vigilant neighbor caught the official end to my Phase 1 test period on "Loki," the little jet, this morning as I made a...

Thirty Hours

As I rolled the SubSonex to a stop in front of my hangar this morning, the mighty TJ-100 spooling down and going in to...

Keep it Covered

Although our airplanes mostly live indoors, it is not uncommon to tie them down outside when we're on the road. Although a good canopy...

Raiders of the Lost… Wing?

In a nearly forgotten corner fo the AirVenture grounds.... in a nondescript red building... Behind this unmarked white door... You will find a vast warehouse full...


There's a countdown clock at EAA Headquarters, and today it showed just 87 days and some-odd hours until the start of AirVenture 2019. In...

An Aviating Day

It's been an odd winter for our area - lots of low cloud days and precipitation here in the Lake Tahoe region - and...

In Case You Missed It

Wandering with Woodstock

Getting to know our GlaStar better while exploring the Colorado Rockies.

Hummel H5

Good things come in small packages.


Jess Meyers of Belted Air Power continues to refine auto-engine conversion firewall-forward packages for homebuilt aircraft. By Rick Lindstrom.

Aero ‘lectrics

Author Jim Weir explains his preparation for the installation of an energy-efficient power system for a hangar or building shed-all on a shoestring budget. He explains how to choose equipment, calculate power needs, the right light fixtures, power generation, equipment suppliers and prices, and the basic legality of such systems;