My New Toy: Rhino Label Maker

I’ve been accused of being interested in building and maintaining airplanes and motorcycles as cover for a bad case of tool want. From the...

Ride the Wave!

Oh, for a sailplane on a day like today! I took off on a short after-breakfast flight to do a little post-maintenance test hop....

Flying in the Age of COVID-19

My wife and I just returned from a week-long trip to Colorado’s ski country and experienced the current airline travel system first-hand. (No, we...

It Was a Simple Job…

I was just looking for one wire—one measly wire that I knew was excess, something I had installed years ago in order to test...

Dear FAA: Model Aircraft Are Not Drones

Sometimes when you set out to fix one problem you create one (sometimes many) more. That’s what I think is happening now as the...

Do Your Future Self a Favor

Anything you can do during the build, to make your project easier to maintain and upgrade in the future will be worth the few ounces added and hours they’d take now.

Socked In On a CAVU Day

Lake Tahoe can be a funny place. Surrounded by gorgeous countryside, it salutes the forested western slope of the Sierra on its California side,...

Back In the (jet) Saddle Again!

Loki got back in the air again today, the first time in just over two months. Back in the first week of November, an...

Land Where?!

A long time ago, in a city far, far away (OK, it’s St. Paul, Minnesota...), there was an Aviation Explorer Post that had rebuilt...

It’s the Little Things

Since the first day I flew my GlaStar, the starter has caught, swung the prop to the next compression stroke, where it almost stopped,...

In Case You Missed It

Editor’s Log

There's always a way.

AV-30 Wrap-Up

Looking back on three years with uAvionix’s full-featured EFIS.

Forever Learning

Way back when I was working for NASA, I used to get mail addressed...

Nose Job

How to set up your spinner to run perfectly true.