Bring Your Learning to Fly Questions with You to AirVenture

Sporty’s CFIs Offering Free Daily Office Hours It’s easy for non-pilots to be intimidated hanging out with their certificated buddies. At EAA AirVenture, with pilots...

Jeppesen To Sponsor MyGoFlight’s iPad EFB Challenge Seminars & Contests

Jeppesen and MyGoFlight announced today that Jeppesen, a part of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, has become a sponsor of the iPad Takes Flight! EFB...

Katrina Bradshaw Memorial BuildAPlane Center Opens at Flabob Airport

Build A Plane has joined with the Thomas Wathen Center in Riverside, California, to create a permanent facility that allows kids to build real...

Garmin® Team X Introduces New G3X™ Touch 7-Inch Touchscreen Display Option...

Garmin International announced today a new 7-inch G3X Touch display option for experimental amateur-built and light sport aircraft. The new, high-resolution infrared touchscreen display...

Sonex Introduces Sub-Kits

PRESS RELEASE Sonex Aircraft, LLC has announced yet another option for building Sonex Aircraft: Sub-Kits for Sonex and Waiex airframe. These Sub-Kits are designed to...

In Case You Missed It

Alternative Energies

Electric motors—state of the art. By Dean Sigler.

Kit Stuff


Dimple Tokens

Sooner or later a part will need to be countersunk for a dimple....

Metal Magic: Riveting By Squeezing

Best practices for driving round-head rivets with a squeezer.