ForeFlight 9 Released, Including Integrated Checklist, Glide Advisor, and Sirius XM...

ForeFlight announced the release of ForeFlight 9 this week with updated and new features. One of the top features is the ability to use...

AeroMomentum Aircraft Engines Sun N’ Fun Show Special

AeroMomentum announces a $500 discount through April 4-9 on orders for their brand new aircraft engines for small aircraft. AeroMomentum Aircraft Engines are based on the Suzuki G series engines. All the parts are bought brand new from Suzuki OEM suppliers and assemble into the complete engine in Stuart, Florida.

Garmin® TeamX introduces new G3X™ Touch display for experimental aircraft

Garmin announced a new addition to the G3X Touch glass flight display family, the 7-inch G3X Touch portrait display. For first generation G3X customers,...

Garmin® brings home theater sound quality to the cockpit with the...

Garmin announced the GMA 345 and GMA 342 all-digital audio panels designed for fixed-wing aircraft. The GMA 345 features Bluetooth® audio connectivity and a...

Garmin® adds visual approach guidance to the GTN™ 650/750 touchscreen

Garmin announced the addition of new capabilities and enhancements for the popular GTN 650/750 touchscreen navigators. New GTN features include visual approach guidance, control...

Garmin® introduces the G5 electronic flight instrument as a DG/HSI in...

Garmin announced the approval of the G5 electronic flight instrument for installation as a replacement directional gyro (DG) or horizontal situation indicator (HSI) in...

Portable Oxygen System Show Special

Shaw Aerox® Aviation Oxygen Systems will be offering all portable oxygen systems at 20% off the list price for portable oxygen systems purchased during...

New Dual Band ADS-B Receiver from Dynon

The dual band SV-ADSB-472 receives ADS-B traffic via 978 MHz (UAT) and 1090 MHz. In the US, it also receives free text and graphical...

Van's and Glasair are Hiring

Two kit aircraft manufacturers are hiring. Van's Aircraft and Glasair Aviation published ads for job openings, so if you like airplanes, and more importantly, experimental aircraft, check them out.

Avidyne Certifies IFD550, R10.2 and More

Avidyne Corporation announced that they have received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Technical Standard Order (TSO) approval and an Approved Model List- Supplemental Type Certificate...

In Case You Missed It

Fabric Covering 101

Lessons learned applying fabric to a Murphy Maverick.

Sling Shot

From initial climb performance to Chuck-Yeager-like landings, the Sling 2 reveals its designer's emphasis on handling.

The Turf War Around MOSAIC

You might think that a long-running proposal to streamline certification and greatly expand (and make far more usable) LSA and sport pilot rules would have the industry locking arm, raising voices in song and, therefore, on a clear path to success. You might, but you’d be wrong.

Wicks Aircraft Supply & Motorsports

For over 100 years, this family-owned business has sold everything from pipe organs and PT-19 wings to high-performance parts for homebuilts.