EAA reacts: FAA reauthorization bill passes Senate committee

EAA members received good news from the Senate Commerce Committee today, as it gave quick, unanimous approval and passage of its version of the FAA reauthorization bill as Congress attempts to find a path forward to funding the FAA.

Gross RV-9A

My USCG-themed RV-9A was completed this weekend. I built it using a slow build kit, although I did get a jump-start, buying 90% completed wings...

EAA Aeroplane Workshop. Skills and Surprises

Inside the uninviting exterior may lie the confidence you need to tackle the primary skills holding you back from building an airplane.

Upload Flight Plans into Garmin 430/530, G1000 with Voyager

Seattle Avionics Softwares Voyager SmartPlan Premier Flight Planner is the first software package to upload flight plans directly into the WAAS-enabled Garmin 430/530 nav/com and G1000 series. Just slip the SD card from your G1000 into your computer, and upload the flight plan, or use a special reader/writer to do the same for the 430/530.

LeRoy Cook’s Tour: Tempting Tidbits

I must confess to being torn between twin folding-wing temptations. Should I get on the Early Adopter list for the Terrafugia roadable airplane or...

ForeFlight 9 Released, Including Integrated Checklist, Glide Advisor, and Sirius XM...

ForeFlight announced the release of ForeFlight 9 this week with updated and new features. One of the top features is the ability to use...

Vertical Power and MGL Xtreme Combo Discount

Vertical Power has announced support for its VP-X Electronic Circuit Breaker System on the new MGL Xtreme EFIS, and to further sweeten the deal,...

Support the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act

Contact your Senators and Representatives and urge them to co-sponsor and support S. 2103 and H.R. 3708, the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act. The...

Belite Releases New RADIANT Turn Coordinator. 15% Discount thru Sept. 30

The RADIANT Turn Coordinator provides a visual indication of turn rate along with a visual indication of slip/skid, using an ultra bright, daylight readable color LCD display.

Garmin Expands Obstacle Database to Include Canada

Garmin has announced expanded availability of our comprehensive obstacle database to now include Canada for select Garmin portables and certified avionics. Man-made structures such as...

In Case You Missed It


Advice on Advice In his "Rear Cockpit" column , Tom Wilson states, "So often we...

Maintenance Matters

Damage to aircraft aluminum can be handled in one of two ways: repair or replace. Steve Ells explains what to consider when making this decision and asks three well-known kit manufacturers what they would recommend.

Reigniting the Spark

Engines, you see, need frequent activity. When they sit, they corrode.

Folding Portable GPS Mount

By Jim Fleischman.