Dummy Loads

You may have heard horror stories of blowing up your radio if you hit that PTT without an antenna installed.

Trimming a Tube Square

We’ve been fitting the canopy frame to the F1 Rocket project this week, and one of the tasks (after getting all the hoops properly...

Easy Servo Wiring Trick

If you are wiring up a typical Ray Allen trim servo, you know that the two “power” wires to the motor are both white.

RTV in Fuel System

There is potential for serious problems.

Hand to Hand with a Bending Board

You’d think that with a quick-build fuselage, the factory could have made a frame that matched.

Zenith Aircraft Hands-On Workshop Class Returns to Texas in February

Zenith Aircraft Company is returning to Southwest Texas to host its hands-on kit aircraft building workshop class.

Updated Rotax Engine Mounts Available for Sonex Aircraft

Sonex and Aero Conversions announce new engine installation options.

The Trick to Riblets

If you have built (or have attempted to build, or are looking forward to building…) an RV-style metal trim tab, you are probably wondering...

Van’s Aircraft Year-End Update: “Significant Strides”

Van’s Aircraft celebrates 2024 achievements: reduced kit lead times, RV-15 progress, and a new avionics department launch.

Come Up With An Easier Way

The assembly manual might tell you to do something one way, but sometimes it's possible do do it better.

In Case You Missed It

2019 Homebuilt Aircraft Directory

So many airplanes, so little time: over 1000 aircraft to choose from. Also learn how 10 of our regular contributors chose their own experimental aircraft. Introduction Directory compiled by Omar Filipovic.

Maintenance Matters

Safety wire and cotter pins.

Oil Recycling

We all try our best to recycle and protect the environment. We haul waste...

Metal Magic: Cutting Round Instrument Holes

KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye continues the Metal Magic series with a tutorial...