Prelude to NextGen LEDs
Just in this last few months (from June 2022), there has been a true revolution in the state of the art for power LEDs....
Unattached Vertical Fin
Here is a photo of a vertical stabilizer attach point on an RV-9A that is completely missing the four lower attach bolts shown in...
Second-Thought Tie-Down Eye
Every aircraft has tie-down points. Most of us never give them a second thought until a catastrophe strikes—like the big storm that threatened early...
Fourier Strikes Again
Ah, the email call for April 15, 2022, just arrived. Michael Zwijacz wrote to me:
“Hello Jim, I’ve been following you in KITPLANES® for many...
Reverse Engineering a Glasair Tailwheel
One day last summer, seconds after rolling from the hold short line to depart Las Vegas’ Henderson Airport, a freak wind gust caught David...
Taking Your Engine’s Temperature
Your aircraft’s engine requires monitoring of various temperatures for you to know that it will continue to purr along reliably for the entire flight....
Cracked Alternator Bracket
Look closely and you will see that the bracket is cracked on the left side of the slot.
Shining a Light on History
Back in 2008, George W. Bush was president and 100LL was $2.50 a gallon. Production of 80/87 had stopped the previous year, and this...
Firewall Forward: Baffling
In the final installment of KITPLANES Firewall Forward, editor at large Paul Dye takes a close look at engine cooling for air-cooled aircraft. Learn...
What You Should Know About Hoses
KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye takes you through a brief tour of the common firewall-forward hoses and discusses what to look for when...