Cover Story: Building a Custom Cushion
Learn how to measure, cut and assemble the foam pieces that constitute the seat cushion.
Aero ‘lectrics
Its time to revisit the DIY wind tee project-but with improvements fueled by experience.
Cover Story: Designing Men
In this first installment of the upholstery series, the author looks at the basics: sewing machines, scissors, needles and thread, and more.
Aero ‘lectrics
What do you do if you need to monitor a number of audio signals, but you don't have room for an audio switching panel? Jim Weir finds the answer in a summing amplifier.
Aero ‘lectrics
Vibration is not good for engines, airframes or instruments. Jim Weir explains how to fashion vibration analysis equipment for less than retail cost.
Aero ‘lectrics
Jim Weirs lifetimes worth of tinkering has produced a definitive list of electronics parts suppliers, and hes willing to share.
Hose Protection
Ishmael Fuentes shows you how to protect and cool the hoses in your engine compartment by making a firesleeve.
Aero ‘lectrics
Heat and avionics don't get along all that well. Rather than installing a fan that runs all the time, Jim Weir suggests building and using a fan that runs only when you need it.
Radio Too Hot? Cool It!
Jim Weir borrows a trick from the world of computers to provide a cool breeze to your radio stack.
Aero ‘lectrics
A little music for the airways can make your flight a pleasure. Jim Weir shows you how to power any music device from your panel.