
All machined things (parts, tools, etc.) eventually have to be “finished” in one way or another. This may include tumbling, sandblasting or burnishing, but...

Solder It Up

We are almost to the end of our romp through the solder pads. We’ve learned about the solder itself, and now it is time...

One Step Drill and Tap

We use quite a few small machine screws in our homebuilt projects. These small screws might be found, for example, holding the instrument panel...

Bleeder Coupling

Bleeding hydraulic brakes of trapped air is something everyone who builds or works on airplanes eventually has to do. The process is fundamentally simple....

DIY Compact Blind-Rivet Puller

  While building my Panther tail kit, I came upon this note in the assembly manual in the elevator joiner photo: “This rivet is impossible...

A Soldering We Shall Go (Part 2)

When last we left our discussion of soldering, we touched briefly on each of the basic topics concerning joining electronic parts together using a...

The Inside Corner on Reducing Stress

It is common practice for builders to cut openings in aluminum aircraft structures. Popular examples include creating inspection or access panels in the wings...

Calling All Collets

Most metal lathes come with a three-jaw chuck for a good reason: They are the best option for general-purpose work. They accommodate the widest...

Holler, Holler, Let’s All Solder (Part 1)

OK, I’ll admit it. Back in the fifth grade my parents gave me a wood-burning set for Christmas. Now, they pretty much knew they...

Ernie, Can You Hear Me?

Every now and again, you get to do something that just feels good inside. Especially as an engineer and electronic designer, those times come...

In Case You Missed It

Engine Overhauls

A visit to Poplar Grove Airmotive.

Hands On: Spray Painting

Mike Loehle shows us the process of prepping both metal and composite surfaces prior to painting as well as applying color and clear coats.

The Other Power Failure

In the days of steam gauges, an alternator failure was inconvenient. In the age...

The Handshake

One of the toughest things to do around aviation people is to concentrate on aviation.