Laps and Lapping

Lapping was an important step featured in two recent columns. Last month’s gauge block project and the September 2020 drain adapter both demonstrated basic...

Grease Is the Word

Consistently use the correct lubricant for your airplane’s various parts, and you will go a long way toward preventing problems.

Improper Deburring

It is really important to remove the burrs that are created when drilling through aluminum prior to riveting. Otherwise the rivets will not get...

Warm Up Your Engine This Winter

Count yourself fortunate if you live in a region where winter does not bring average nightly temperatures much below freezing! For the rest of...

Confessions of a Blockhead

Gauge blocks are the foundation for pretty much everything. At least everything that has to do with precision measuring and manufacturing. I use parallels,...

Nuts and Bolts

Aircraft quality nuts, bolts, washers and other hardware are the right things to use if they hold the things together that keep you in the air.

Theory vs. Practice

My mom once told me that when she and dad got married, she had three theories about raising kids. Then she had me and...

Can You Calibrate Your Hand?

Every aircraft kit is designed with a number of nut and bolt fasteners that must be properly installed to complete the project. You may...

Fuel Pump Replacement

I was climbing out from my home base airport in Chino, California. I noticed that the fuel pressure was quite a bit less than...

Light Sport Repairman—Maintenance

Have you ever thought about becoming a licensed airframe and powerplant (A&P) mechanic, but put the idea out of your head because of the...

In Case You Missed It

A Record Mojave

The Mojave Experimental Fly-In adds record setting to the agenda in 2014.

One Thing Leads to Another

It started simply enough. With a mistake. OK, maybe just a misapplication of learned behavior.

RANS S-21 Outbound

Great looks, easy to build, and a wide choice of engines. Is this the RANS you've been waiting for?

Ask the DAR

Operating limitations, selling a homebuilt, aircraft that cant be registered.