I Need Help—Where Do I Look?

Aside from the manufacturer’s supplied materials, what is the next line of action for obtaining help while building something as complicated as an aircraft?

Fuel Cap Dipstick (and Always Chock Your Wheels)

Before I delve into this month’s project, here’s the backstory on where it came from: I started my flight training with 10 hours in...

The Wind-up, the Pitch…

…and now let’s hit this PC board problem out of the park. Let’s make a useful part with the full PCB program. Here’s the situation:...

Metal Magic: Intro to Riveting

Introduction to driven rivets. Learn how to judge the size of rivets you need and how to tell if you've driven them correctly.

Metal Magic: Deburring

Holes are drilled so let's get them cleaned up and ready for fasteners. Paul Dye explains the process of deburring holes and edges in...

Politically Correct Boards

That is what PC means, yes? No. It’s short for printed circuit. And the first attempts at making boards were actually made by spraying...

Spinner Bulkheads – Getting the Spacing Right

If you have ever needed to change props or spinners on your completed homebuilt, you have probably sweated out the clearance between the rear...

Tidy Up with Adel Clamps

There is so much to learn by simply observing the handiwork of others. Some builders are just plain creative when it comes to organizing...

Shop-made Blind Rivet Nut

Blind rivet nuts, also called rivnuts, rivet nuts or insert nuts, are a clever way to add threaded bosses to thin-wall sheet metal structures...

Improper and Proper D-Sub Connectors

The connector in the left photo was discovered on the back of an autopilot control head that was intermittent. D-subs require a backshell (right...

In Case You Missed It

Home Shop Machinist

Preservative fogger.

Antenna Installations

Sourcing the right antennas for your kits avionics suite is only half the chore. Placement, proper grounding, and routine upkeep are critical to performance.

Vortex Generators and STOL Performance

One way to solve the problem of flow separation—and stall—is by installing vortex generators on your kit aircraft.


Engine Assembly Sealants and LubricantsI enjoyed Dave Prizio's article, "Choosing the Right Sealant" ....