500-hour Inspection vs. Overhaul

About every 500 hours, your magnetos need to be inspected and repaired as needed (IRAN) to keep them performing well. Some of this work...

Bob’s Donut Shop

In my April 2021 column, I described making custom rivet nuts to replace self-tapping screws for the wing root fairings on my Jabiru. While...

Metal Magic: Riveting By Squeezing

Best practices for driving round-head rivets with a squeezer.

Chattering Timers

Back in November 1999, I sadly consigned my old battery eating “buzz box,” a WW-II 1940s-era mechanical doorbell-ringer magneto timer, to that big buzz...

Start Building Your Aircraft With a Subkit

Deciding to build an aircraft does not have to be one big, final decision.

Hang Up!

I have been flying my RV-9 for 14 years and a thousand hours. You would think that by now I’d have this figured out,...

Broken Battery Hold-Down Bracket

This battery hold-down bracket was discovered in an RV-10 during a condition inspection. It is a very serious safety issue that probably needs no...

Metal Magic: All About Clecoes

The Cleco clamp is the metalworker's best friend.

Installing and Maintaining Your Pitot-Static System

The pitot-static system is usually one of those items appearing on your to-do list when you are at the point of being 90% done...

Oil in Line

Look very closely and you will see liquid in the tubing. This is the manifold pressure line to the electronic ignition system. The fluid in...

In Case You Missed It

Brake Turn

My local airport, Corona Municipal in Southern California, sits in the Prodo Dam basin...


 Keen on KeensertsI just read Steve Ells’ article on threaded inserts . Good info....

Flight Review: Van’s RV-14A with Lycoming IO-390-EXP119 Engine

Van's Aircraft recently began offering a new version of the RV-14 and RV-14A kits...

Preparing For First Start

Steve Ells discusses the preparation and procedures for starting your new or newly overhauled engine for the first time.