CircuitMaker for Aircraft

What a spaghetti diagram! Not really.

Orphan Part Angel

The Glasair static port design has a beveled segment that bisects the centerline of the port. This adds more than a minor complication to the machining process.

Risk Tolerance

There’s only so much we can do to eliminate risk, so it becomes more about risk tolerance, which is usually different for everyone.

Leaking Brakes

Leaking brake calipers will not only deplete the brake fluid, but the fluid will be absorbed by the brake pads and adversely affect braking...

Assistance for Resistance

This month’s home shop project was suggested by Matt Burch. Matt sent a couple of photos of a cool time-saving tool he made to...

Building the Affordaplane, Part 3

Plane and simple.

Drilling Holes for Fasteners

Plunge into drilling accurate holes for fasteners in mating parts.

High CHTs

An RV-10 owner recently brought his airplane to the shop due to high CHTs. He also mentioned that the problems started after the panel...

Diodes, the Universal Component?

Diodes started off life fairly simply. Take an AC signal and convert it to a DC signal. Simple, huh?

Case Hardening

Having a machine shop means never having to say, “I can’t make that.” That occurred to me one afternoon when I was making a sprocket....

In Case You Missed It

COVIDity Blues

As I write this, it is the Ides of March in the year that...

Light Stuff

Columnist Roy Beisswenger makes the case for the safety of light and ultralight aircraft. Don't believe it? Hell explain why.

On Safari

Builder Rick Reese applies state-of-the-art quality assurance techniques to the building of his exceptional Safari helicopter. By Mary Bernard.

Ask the DAR

Certified aircraft converted to Experimental, ELSA vs. E/A-B, op limits for major changes.