Stage Right

Of all the milling machine jobs I do, 99.99% involve clamping work in the mill vise. Occasionally, a project comes up where the part...

HOG Prime Mover

Time to stop messing around. Time to fish or cut bait. Time to…oh, you know all the rest of that stuff. Me? I’m getting...

Missing Safety Wire

The jam nut on this flap motor is required to be safety wired to prevent the nut from coming loose. There is a lot...

Metal Magic: Installing Nutplates

Every screw needs a place to go, and for many metal airplanes, that's into a nutplate. KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye shows you...

Metal Magic: Blind Rivet Techniques

Paul Dye discusses blind or pull rivets—and why they're not just like hardware-store "pop" rivets.

Leads for Avionics

To troubleshoot your system and wring out some wires, you will need to find a good way to make contact between the multimeter test leads and connector contacts.

The Case of Electrical Dropouts

Electrical gremlins can be tough to track down. This month’s case involved a non-builder owner of a fairly new RV-8, and it took us...

DIY Adjustable Rib Centerline Marking Tool

As a new builder I came quickly to the step of needing to mark rib centerlines to align the ribs with the predrilled holes in the skin.

Improperly Installed Intake Gaskets

We noticed the intake gaskets were leaking on cylinders 3 and 4 on the Lycoming IO-320 in an RV-9A. There was a logbook entry...

Watch Where You’re Going!

You can track on a smartphone or laptop the flight paths of Experimental aircraft as they fly in real time.

In Case You Missed It

Engine-run Requirements for the DAR Inspection

Do you need to run your engine for the DAR? How does using a certified engine and prop affect your Phase I test period? How about the gray areas regarding dual flight instruction? DAR Mel Asberry gives you the straight scoop.


Machining TalkI have enjoyed the series on home machining, and have a question for...

Alternative Energies

Rapid strides are being made in the development of ultralight electric motorgliders. Dean Sigler talks to a few of the manufacturers at the forefront of this field.

Down To Earth

Homebuilt aircraft played a key role in bringing aid to the Bahamas after Hurricane Irene. Amy Laboda explains how you can join in future relief efforts.