Airshow Antennas

We are headed into airshow calendar time. I don’t care if it is the granddaddy of them all (Oshkosh) or the usual four beat-up...

Metal Magic: Making Parts Fit

In our 22nd episode of Metal Magic, KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye goes into some of the tactics to make recalcitrant airframe pieces...

Cracked Landing Gear Weldment

Landing gear sockets should be checked regularly for those who fly off of grass and certainly after a hard landing. Using a bright light...

Toe Bar

Uneven tire wear is usually an indication of a problem with wheel alignment. Most of the time, the issue will be with toe, which...

Make That Aluminum Shine

If there was a way to make metal parts look even nicer than they looked coming out of your aircraft kit’s shipping box—and the...

Metal Magic: A Quick Look at Edge Rolling

This short episode of Metal Magic provides some quick tips on the most effective ways to get sheetmetal to "lay down" properly. KITPLANES editor...

A HOG in Time Takes…Forever

As I told you a couple of months ago, “In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is a...

Loose Intake Pipe

Sometimes the intake pipes on Lycoming engines can come loose. This will cause an intake leak, usually indicated by a rough idle and higher...

Metal Magic: Using Reamers For Accurate Holes

Sometimes a drill bit just won't do. When you want accurate, perfectly round holes in aluminum, you need to use a reamer. KITPLANES editor...

Drills and Bits

As handy as a cordless drill is, it is not the best tool for many drilling jobs.

In Case You Missed It

Product Review: J.P. Instruments EDM-740

JPI is offering a new compact, capable engine monitor that is built and priced for the homebuilt market. By Marc Cook.

The Creative Homebuilder

Heavy-duty control cables.

What You Don’t Need to Know Can Hurt You

Building an airplane should be mostly fun, sometimes challenging, and infinitely rewarding, but confidence...

How to Build Your Own Engine (Or Maybe Not)

Adding a rotary engine to a Q2 is easier said than done.