Can You Hear Me Now?

For those of you in aircraft with magnificent audio systems—stereo music and multi-input switching panels that have push-button selection of your half-dozen headphone inputs—this...

No Backshell and No Screw

I hate seeing D-sub connectors not supported or fastened correctly, as the wires will eventually break. In this case, two broken wires on the...

Firewall Forward: Spark Plug Maintenance

KITPLANES editor at large Paul Dye goes into detail on how to inspect and maintain conventional aircraft spark plugs in the latest installment of...

Repairing a Damaged Lead Counterweight

When trimming the elevator counterweights of a Van’s RV-14 kit, I modified one of the weights incorrectly. This led to the holes in the...

The Case of the Missing Propeller

Checkpoints: Diagnosis

A Tale of Two RVs

“Homebuilt” aptly describes where most project aircraft are assembled. But as you approach the final stages, it’s common to move from the home to...

LED to a Landing

We have come a long way with light emitting diodes. They went from $200 a bulb in 1968 to 5 cents a bulb in...

Deformed Gascolator O-Ring

Some gascolators have internal O-rings that should be checked for deformation regularly. This was caught on an inspection, but the gascolator had blue telltale...

Firewall Forward: Ignition System Basics

This episode in our Firewall Forward series looks at magneto ignition systems and ignition timing. What it all means, and how to do it...

Firewall Forward: Oil Filter Cutting and Analysis

KITPLANES editor at large and experienced engine builder Paul Dye walks you through the process of cutting open the oil filter and examining the...

In Case You Missed It

Restarting a Homebuilt Project

What to do when you haven’t been doing anything.

Building the Bearhawk LSA

Fleshing out the forward fuselage.

Rear Cockpit

Not me!

Light Stuff

Columnist Roy Beisswenger takes a look at what’s currently available in the foot-launched and wheeled variety of canopy or soft-wing aircraft.