Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook comments on how recent software enhancements improve the performance of the Grand Rapids Technologies Horizon HX EFIS.

Unattached Vertical Fin

Here is a photo of a vertical stabilizer attach point on an RV-9A that is completely missing the four lower attach bolts shown in...

What’s New

Sportys offers cockpit accessories, Patterson Aerosales introduces a new engine from Italy, and the single-place Onex prototype from Sonex flies. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Engine Beat

Steve Ells surveys those in the know for tips about what to consider when contemplating the purchase of a used aircraft engine.

In Case You Missed It

Meet KR2-S Owner John Bouyea

Continuing our celebration of 50 years of the KR, we walk around a very...

Insurance And Training

Just because you built it, doesn't mean you're ready to fly it. By Scott Sky Smith.

Fed Stories

By just about every measure, the aeronautical industry in the United States—including the number...

Aithre Illyrian Smart Pulse Oximeter

For full-time SpO2 monitoring, stick the Illyrian under the headset and let the app do the rest.