What’s New

This months listing covers news from Avemco about aircraft insurance, a Europa update, a Sportys prop lock, and Sigma-Teks new electric attitude indicator; edited by Mary Bernard.

Product Review: Glass Panel

While new electronic flight instrument systems (EFISes) sometimes seem ubiquitous, PC Avionics new yourGlassPanel line stands out as an easily retrofittable blend of form and function that may fit the bill for homebuilders seeking a moderately priced primary or backup EFIS; by Marc Cook.

Common Cents

Home equity loans, building loans, credit cards: These are only a few of the ways that one can finance an airplane building project. But beware: Each option has its benefits and disadvantages, and the wise builder will consider these carefully before signing on the dotted line; by Dave Higdon.

Light Stuff

The Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association presented its 16th annual Presidents Award to Rotaxs Eric Tucker at Oshkosh/AirVenture this year. Tuckers history dovetails with LAMAs history, and each will play a significant role in the growing Light Sport Aircraft market; by Dave Martin.

Gear of the Year 2007

There's always something new to be had in the field of aviation-related equipment, and this year we stay on the beaten trail and wander off of it a bit with a new EFD/MFD, a build-it-yourself headset, a readily stowable inflatable tent, a headset boom light, a digital attitude indicator, an electronic flight bag and spiffy, low-draw LED landing lights; a Staff Report.


Julia DownieOnce a year we take the opportunity to publicly thank the hard-working Julia Downie for her tireless efforts in collecting and organizing our...


On a Lighter Note...Hopefully you can help me out with a solution to my problem. I have an electronic sign that used to mount...

A Sign of the Zodiac (Part 7)

It’s about the journey, not the destination, as Rick Lindstrom’s homebuilt Zodiac 601 XL is ferried by friends from Florida to its new home in Cloverdale, California.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 8)

Last months installment in the Composites series detailed how to do vacuum-bagging of parts at home. This month author Bob Fritz discusses how to inexpensively build one critical component in that process: the vacuum pump.


Builders share their successes.

In Case You Missed It


Oshkosh 2015 musings.

Give Yourself a Brake

Brakes are pretty simple to install and maintain, but they are also pretty important....

Sim World

With X-Plane, you don't have to wait until the paint is dry to start test-flying your homebuilt project. A remarkable simulation will allow you to do that early on. By Chuck Bodeen.

Home Shop Machinist

Exhausting options-a DIY muffler for a Pietenpol.