All About Avionics, Part 9

One of the final steps in getting your avionics suite to work is installation of some sort of antenna to capture various radio frequencies. Failing to choose the right antenna and install it properly can compromise the whole installation. Rather than focusing on the intricacies of antenna design, the author discusses the merits of internal versus external for particular equipment plus where to place them; by Stein Bruch

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 10)

What do you do when your horizontal stabilizer isn't exactly horizontal? First, you check that the fuselage is level. If this confirms that the stabilizer is indeed slightly off, remove it and apply heat. Sounds simple, but there's a right and a wrong way to go about it, and author Bob Fritz describes the most effective method to straighten things out.


Builders share their successes.

The Home Machinist (Part 11)

In our continuing series, author Bob Fritz explains how to use a boring head to drill odd-size or big holes. Hint 1: The bigger the hole, the slower the going. Hint 2: The traveling rest, which moves with the cutting tool, braces the material in two directions to minimize flexing.

Aero ‘lectrics

You have your off-grid hangar on a solar array, but how to harness its power? Thats what Columnist Jim Weir tackles this month, with an array that tracks the sun to maximum effect.

Wind Tunnel

Columnist Barnaby Wainfan continues his flight-testing discussion by taking up the topic of longitudinal stability. By identifying the origin of the problem, whether it be a control-system issue, a too-small static margin, or a combination of the two, the flight tests he recommends will help to isolate the issue.

Around the Patch

In keeping with the spirit of this years Directory of Plansbuilt Aircraft, Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook extols the virtues of enjoying the process of building of an airplane as much as the flying of it.

What’s New

Among the news items this month are the announcement of extended-range fuel tanks for the Arion Aircraft Lightning, a flight bag thats customized for RV aircraft, a light-aircraft jack and a new transceiver from Microair Avionics of Australia.

Flying in the Ford World

Sage philosopher and aviation nut Uncle Ishmael explains how, for about the price of a 4-year-old Ford pickup truck, you can own a serviceable homebuilt aircraft. Youll probably have to forgo anything certified, and hone your scrounging skills, but when all is said and done, isn't getting up in the air flying better than sitting on the ground dreaming?

Light Stuff

Inherent biases or previous experience can alter the perceptions of any product reviewer, but perceptions may change when one takes the time to investigate further, sometimes turning what was thought to be a detriment into something less significant. Such was the case when columnist Dave Martin revisited one feature (pilot visibility) of the Remos G-3 SLSA.

In Case You Missed It

Oh, Dry Up!

Jim Katz builds a homemade engine dehumidifier.

Accessory Stacking To Mill an Arc

Securely holding small parts for machining is always a challenge. The solution may be...

Kit Stuff

Drawing on experience; by cartoonist Robrucha.

SeaRey Amphib LSA Flight Trial

Here's an over-the-transom report on the SeaRey LSA amphibian from Aviation Consumer's Jeff Van West, who is having more fun than he deserves.