A Sign of the Zodiac (Part 5)

Builder Rick Lindstrom’s Zenith Zodiac 601 XL project continues as he discusses the successes and setbacks he experienced along the way to the first flight; by Rick Lindstrom.

O For Some Plans!

Builder Ray Ordorica is in the process of realizing a long-term dream of building the real airplane that he flew as a model during his early years. The project is not without its trials, though, as original plans are not available, and many small mysteries must be solved before the real building can begin; by Ray Ordorica.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 6)

In this series installment, author Bob Fritz takes you through the basics of a three-day project you can really use: lightweight fiberglass wheel chocks. The article covers materials, cutting, patterns, foam cutting, eliminating bubbles, and pitfalls to look out for during the build; by Bob Fritz.

All About Avionics, Part 7

If you intend to fly non-precision or precision GPS approaches, you really do need an IFR GPS. This article explains the options available and the legal issues associated with using the latest in-cockpit GPS technology for IFR navigation; by Stein Bruch.


Builders share their successes.

The Home Machinist, Part 7

This milling project offers home machinists a great way to get the feel of their equipment and gives them a plug protector for their in-cockpit iPaq as well; by Bob Fritz.

Shop Safety

This article covers what you should have learned in your high school shop class, but didn't, and more. It discusses safety glasses, proper treatment of chisels, gloves, jewelry, shop coats, hand tools, urban myths, safe shoes, hardware, biomechanics, capturing wayward chips, machinery placement in the shop, air-powered tools, cleanup, pneumatic cutting tools, and other common sense advice; by Bob Fritz.

Aero ‘lectrics

Author Jim Weir explains his preparation for the installation of an energy-efficient power system for a hangar or building shed-all on a shoestring budget. He explains how to choose equipment, calculate power needs, the right light fixtures, power generation, equipment suppliers and prices, and the basic legality of such systems;

Flying Qualities of an Airplane Are Important

The author explains how the characteristics of an airplane affect pilot ability to complete tasks, response factors, stability and damping of the airframe to changes in angle of attack, basic stability, trim, control forces, and control power. He also addresses the controversy behind the design of airplanes, their characteristics and the resultant suitability for various types of flying;

Around the Patch

Taking a measured, conservative approach to the development of new technologies and basing decisions on real-world experience rather than hearsay is the best way to move forward in homebuilding.

In Case You Missed It

Engine Beat

Those who understand the aviation marketplace will be in a position to make the most of opportunities-and Tempest gets it. By Steve Ells.


Bob Schmitz and Glen Clarke's Searey This Searey LSX amphibian was built over a...

Keep Them Tight

Loose jam nuts.