Light Stuff

Columnist Dave Martin had the good fortune to be able to tour the new Rotax engine factory in Gunskirchen, Austria, and he offers a report on the trip including a side trip to Salzburgs Hangar-7.


Bob FritzIn recognition of Bobs major contributions to this magazine, he has been moved up the masthead to join Dave Higdon as Senior Editor....


Machining TalkI have enjoyed the series on home machining, and have a question for author Bob Fritz. For some time I have been considering...

Synergy Air Energizes Builders

Thanks to a new course in Oregon, RV enthusiasts have another way to help finish building their airplanes more quickly and get flying sooner.

All About Avionics

Which engine monitor is best? Author Stein Bruch may not offer a definitive answer for all builders, but he details the factors that should be considered before arriving at a final decision, along with tips on how to achieve a successful installation.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 11)

Author Bob Fritz offers a middle way to paint your airplane yourself, without surrendering your first born or breaking the bank. Hint: Preparation and the right equipment are essential.


Builders share their successes.

The Home Machinist

Taking that first cut into the sheet metal of an aircraft panel can be daunting, and being as precise as youd like is even more so. Author Bob Fritz eases your anxiety about the process with some tips about how to use the right tool for the right job, so that the hole you get is the one you wanted.

Aero ‘lectrics

This month, author Jim Weir lays the groundwork for a solar battery charger, complete with preliminary circuit board considerations drawn from a rats nest and details about how to order a pre-fabricated board.

Wind Tunnel

Flight testing for longitudinal stability problems continues this month as columnist Barnaby Wainfan details tests for stick force as related to trim and stick-free stability of an aircraft. The object is to gather data and analyze it to see if the hypotheses about the nature of the problem hold up under scrutiny.

In Case You Missed It

New to Homebuilding?

With so many options available, how can you choose a kit aircraft to build? From financing to storage to operating costs (and don’t forget insurance), a few factors can point you to a project that will fit your needs. By Scott “Sky” Smith.

Fly By Night

Equipping your homebuilt aircraft for night flight has become both more complicated and more flexible thanks to a wide variety of LED lighting solutions. By Mary Bernard.

2011 Engine Buyer’s Guide

We take another look at the current offerings of traditional aircraft engines. Compiled by Marcie Moody with text by Marc Cook.

Rag Wing Roots

These days, I seem to be associated mostly with metal airplanes, RVs in particular....