
Sherrill Kendricks Sonex241WW was completed in 1999 in trigear format and flown that way for about three years. Being a commercial seaplane pilot, I...

The Home Machinist

This months feature offers a three-in-one discussion that includes how to use the steady rest to work with any material that extends beyond the chuck, a review of Googles SketchUp program that will allow you to get designing on your home computer quickly, and notes on how to make an indispensable tool for the home machinist; by Bob Fritz.

Aero ‘lectrics

Columnist Jim Weir has completed his solar-powered battery charger, and it works! It may not be the fastest charger, but it is certainly up to the task of keeping a battery topped off, even in winter.

Stainless Steel

The reality behind this pretty but high-maintenance material.

Wind Tunnel

This month we use the accumulated flight-test data to determine what exactly is causing the unacceptable flying qualities of the airplane so that the best way to fix the problem can be identified;


When new aircraft from two very different designers, in this case Randy Schlitter and Richard VanGrunsven, surface with considerable similarities, consensus about basic design tenets must be blowing in the wind. Certainly Light Sport regs do constrain performance considerations, but human factors are more up for grabs, and that’s where one or another design can truly shine; by Marc Cook.


When new aircraft from two very different designers, in this case Randy Schlitter and Richard VanGrunsven, surface with considerable similarities, consensus about basic design tenets must be blowing in the wind. Certainly Light Sport regs do constrain performance considerations, but human factors are more up for grabs, and thats where one or another design can truly shine; by Marc Cook.

Texas Sport Cub

The Texas Sport Cub’s combination of classic good looks and today’s technology will appeal to those who are looking to rekindle an old flame or those hoping to initiate a new love affair; by Marc Cook.

Around the Patch

A recent announcement that a major manufacturer would no longer be making and selling carburetors came as a shock. Although another company has taken up the challenge and will supply carbs, at least for the time being, this news may be the impetus needed to move more aviators toward fuel-injected power for their homebuilt aircraft.

What’s New

Meet a new South African import LSA, read news from Jeppesen about updating your Chelton system, and a paint sprayer/respirator combination unit may interest the would-be plane painters among you.

In Case You Missed It

Some Old Favorites

For those building a new airplane, chances are you’re getting more than familiar with...

Plane and Simple

Keep it in the groove.

Editor’s Log

Got diesel?

Bleeder Coupling

Bleeding hydraulic brakes of trapped air is something everyone who builds or works on...