Synergy Air Energizes Builders

Thanks to a new course in Oregon, RV enthusiasts have another way to help finish building their airplanes more quickly and get flying sooner.

All About Avionics

Which engine monitor is best? Author Stein Bruch may not offer a definitive answer for all builders, but he details the factors that should be considered before arriving at a final decision, along with tips on how to achieve a successful installation.

Build Your Skills: Composites (Part 11)

Author Bob Fritz offers a middle way to paint your airplane yourself, without surrendering your first born or breaking the bank. Hint: Preparation and the right equipment are essential.


Builders share their successes.

The Home Machinist

Taking that first cut into the sheet metal of an aircraft panel can be daunting, and being as precise as youd like is even more so. Author Bob Fritz eases your anxiety about the process with some tips about how to use the right tool for the right job, so that the hole you get is the one you wanted.

Aero ‘lectrics

This month, author Jim Weir lays the groundwork for a solar battery charger, complete with preliminary circuit board considerations drawn from a rats nest and details about how to order a pre-fabricated board.

Wind Tunnel

Flight testing for longitudinal stability problems continues this month as columnist Barnaby Wainfan details tests for stick force as related to trim and stick-free stability of an aircraft. The object is to gather data and analyze it to see if the hypotheses about the nature of the problem hold up under scrutiny.

Texas Sport Cub

The Texas Sport Cubs combination of classic good looks and todays technology will appeal to those who are looking to rekindle an old flame or those hoping to initiate a new love affair.

Around the Patch

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the relative merits of internal versus external antennas, after using his Glastar Sportsman 2+2 as a test bed. His conclusions have to do with both the material used to build the airplane as well as location of the antenna on the aircraft.

What’s New

This months column includes information on new anti-collision strobe lights and LED position lights, a micro belt sander, a smart servo controller for trim, a desktop model of the Cozy Mark IV and the announcement of a taildragger configuration option for the Eurofox SLSA.

In Case You Missed It

Build an Electric Tug for Your Airplane

It’s easier and less expensive than you think.

Coming Back

Returning to the cockpit after a long absence.

What’s New

Garmin expands online training and Sky-Tec introduces ST5 starters for Continentals. Edited by Mary Bernard.

Shop Tips: Undrilling a Hole in Steel

A brass block makes it easy.