The Home Machinist

If your hacksaw has been relegated to the bottom of your toolbox, chances are its because you don't know how to use it properly. Author Bob Fritz offers a primer on the subject that may make you think more highly of this underused tool. A discussion of cam construction and keyless chucks rounds out this installment.

Aero ‘lectrics

Impressed by the quality of the cheap headsets he encountered on a recent commercial airliner flight, Jim Weir dissected the airline unit and has come up with a way to replicate it in your own shop.

Wind Tunnel

Yaw rarely occurs without rolling, and roll rarely occurs without yawing. This month Barnaby Wainfan discusses coupled motion, including adverse yaw, the spiral mode and Dutch roll.

Lancair Evolution

When Joe Bartels bought the company from founder Lance Neibauer in 2003, he knew it was time for a change. The goal was to find a high-performance aircraft that could be flown by the average pilot in the target market. The solution can be found in the company's newest product, the Pratt & Whitney-powered turbine Evolution; by Doug Rozendaal.

Around the Patch

Eventually even the best company founders want to retire, and Dick VanGrunsven of Vans Aircraft is no exception. Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook discusses the succession plan and why the future continues to look bright for this Pacific Northwest luminary.

What’s New

An Aussie Outback SLSA debuts in the U.S., a floating battery eliminator works with the Lightspeed Zulu headset, and Trio Avionics introduces the Pro Pilot autopilot.

Homebuilt Aircraft Safety 1998-2008

Far be it from Ron Wanttajas experience to be complacent when it comes to aircraft accident statistics. In this article, he updates two previous articles on the subject of homebuilt aircraft safety and digs deep to find meaning and context for the numbers.

MGL Avionics Stratomaster MAXI Single E1

MGLs maxi singles are designed to drop into a standard 3.125-inch hole, while the Smart Singles fit into a 2.25-inch hole. Author Rick Lindstrom found that the Maxi Single E1 engine monitor was just the ticket to get him flying while his other unit was in the shop for repairs.

VedaloHD Sunglasses

Editor-in-Chief Marc Cook and Bob Fritz give two thumbs up to two different models of these Italian-made beauties.

Light Stuff

Columnist Dave Martin introduces us to the new Eagle SLSA, whose high-wing configuration and yoke controls may immediately fit many pilots comfort zone.

In Case You Missed It

Aero ‘lectrics

Three for the money.

The 13 Command(ment)s

For most people, 10 are enough. Laying out a PC board, you’ve got a...

An Immigrant’s Journey

Enchanted with the idea of building his own amphibian, Larry Woods came across a Ukrainian design, the Aeroprakt A-24, which seemed to fit the bill. After much research, he got a hold of a kit, built it, and then liked it so much that he became the Canadian distributor.

The Dawn Patrol

Sharon’s Combine Service part II—the repair. Dick Starks.